Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Speaking of netiquette...

Can someone try to explain the psychology behind an opponent you repeatedly lose against, who suddenly starts overkilling when you're KO'd, taunting and teabagging? I really don't get it and I'm genuinely curious as to why someone breaks down to a 10-yr like that, despite winning.
At least she’s in a better state than Astaroth is right now. He on the other hand, is a gigantic mess.

I pray he gets his stuff fixed in a January update.

Yo that’s just WTF LOL.
They Should fix that I would be so pissed off as an astaroth main...

Saying that why did Clob do so well with Astaroth?
is he crafting a different meta for the character because he was a beast at the recent NLBC soul calibur 6 tournament.

@Rusted Blade
Ok I see you avoiding them KOs like BrianHatesYou and Linkorz lol. xD

I get you, scaling her damage would be a good start, she needs to work harder for her damage.
some of her combos are tight but it’s hardly a perfect just frame input.
Characters like Tira are WAAAY more difficult and doesn’t get anywhere near the same reward, and that kind of favouritism for non house characters make me a little ill.

SPEAKING of damage scaling, Raphael and his CE... For the love of the holy sword scale it like the others characters lol.
I thought his WR CE was bad but off the back of a RE: B!

I fought a Raphael with a 135 win streak and getting punished but that shit made it all make sense.

Don’t take it to heart it’s either they have a stick up their arse, or they were frustrated with your play style.

Just get em back, don’t make it your problem.
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Don’t take it to heart it’s either they have a stick up their arse, or they were frustrated with your play style.

Just get em back, don’t make it your problem.
It's nowhere near my heart, nor a problem per say, it just really fascinates me. This dick is actually on a major win-streak and I'm simply taking the losses with no fuss, and he (will presume gender) goes on a hate rampage. That IS interesting. I want to know why he collapses into this state of utter idiocy.
It's just a little light humor. I mean nothing by it. It's mostly the kids who think they're hot stuff because they can mash and win.
Then why punish and discourage these "kids" by disrespecting them? These kinds of taunts are an universal language and I bet most players interpret them as a middle finger in the face. Not exactly productive for OUR community.
So yeah, this seems like a bug or something. Ranked won't let me connect to anyone while with 2B. I'm switching between 2B and several of my others and they all find opponents pretty much instantly except 2B which keeps searching forever.

EDIT: Getting connections with a different CAS 2B. Still weird though.
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Can someone try to explain the psychology behind an opponent you repeatedly lose against, who suddenly starts overkilling when you're KO'd, taunting and teabagging? I really don't get it and I'm genuinely curious as to why someone breaks down to a 10-yr like that, despite winning.
This dick is actually on a major win-streak and I'm simply taking the losses with no fuss, and he (will presume gender) goes on a hate rampage. That IS interesting. I want to know why he collapses into this state of utter idiocy.
These kinds of taunts are an universal language and I bet most players interpret them as a middle finger in the face. Not exactly productive for OUR community.
You take it overwhelmingly, almost comically, seriously.
I bet they don't even put that much tought in doing it as you do interpreting it.
It's fun, nothing else. Some just do it without even trying to troll, "send message of superiority" or anything.
Take it more lightly.
You take it overwhelmingly, almost comically, seriously.
I bet they don't even put that much tought in doing it as you do interpreting it.
It's fun, nothing else. Some just do it without even trying to troll, "send message of superiority" or anything.
Take it more lightly.
Nope, it's the principle. It's a clear, well-known antagonizing message. The comical thing is being passionate about a franchise and then taking a dump on it by doing douche-things online that are completely unecessary and not worth the risk of being misread by the other player. This "just a prank bro"-mentality does little to diminish the fact.
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I had someone message me once with something along the lines of "You got owned, I landed the grab in the end."

I realised over our 2 games he was attempting grabs and they would get ducked/broken. He went OFF on one in messages afterwards and it dawned on me he was having a... conversation(?) with me while playing using some moves. His version of that conversation was so far removed from what I thought was going on that I thought he messaged the wrong person.

He was adamant that I knew what he meant and that I was trolling/mocking him. The guy essentially wound himself up against a brick wall.

This happens much more often than you might think. I've had super frustrating and rage inducing matches in the past, where I'm sure my opponent is mocking/trolling me, and then get messaged "OMG, amazing games. Thanks for all the fun." and ill read it - hate-boner in my hand - and realise I'm being a sad bastard.

It happens all the time. If I see someone teabag, then I assume its the equivalent of your friend on the couch elbowing you gently to say -"Ha! Gotcha! " Not in some prank way, just in a fun-loving way. They teabag, you teabag, you smile and get back to the match.

I've been much happier since. Genuinely.
I don’t teabag. Why would I do that when I can just use Voldo 236 B+K repeatedly after I land the KO until the next round/match ends. :sc1vol1:
OMG I had a really satisfying win over this Ivy the other day, saved the clip will upload later.

Anyway right off the bat this jackass starts spamming 2/1 A+G, 2 B+K mixups. He catches me with one after a few steps and I get Oki'ed to death. Those are literally the only 2 moves he was doing for the entire first round. He was on a long winning streak I don't remember how many.

I was so rage after that first round that I dropped a few wall combo's and missed big damage, but it all worked out because I got a 'reset' from Oki. I wasn't playing with a clear head.

I'm gonna upload it. This guy was seriously trolling. Ivy is cancer, period. glad i got the win. match starts at 1:40

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OMG I had a really satisfying win over this Ivy the other day, saved the clip will upload later.

Anyway right off the bat this jackass starts spamming 2/1 A+G, 2 B+K mixups. He catches me with one after a few steps and I get Oki'ed to death. Those are literally the only 2 moves he was doing for the entire first round. He was on a long winning streak I don't remember how many.

I was so rage after that first round that I dropped a few wall combo's and missed big damage, but it all worked out because I got a 'reset' from Oki. I wasn't playing with a clear head.

I'm gonna upload it. This guy was seriously trolling. Ivy is cancer, period. glad i got the win. match starts at 1:40

Matchups against Ivy is such a horrendous deal in general with Siegfried. Some Ivy players know exactly how to abuse her zonespam and build a wall of cheeze with poke holes to win the game. One has to become a magician with Siggy to even get close sometimes, and when you do they will go for that auto-GI CE first chance and most likely get it since it's so freakishly easy to get.
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