Street Fighter 4!

so far out of all the characters i like abel the most... nice and easy damaging combos and good mind games... i was hoping to use bison but i'm kinda disappointed in him... and zangief is fun but feels too slow to me... not as slow as freaken potemkin but ya... maybe it'll take a while to get used to...

btw BARRY i added u...
I'm on usually at night after 9PM EST if anyone wants a beatdown. I will be switching between SF4 and SC4. SF4 is great, but not great enough for me to completely put down SC4. Plus the SC4 community rules.
2 true malice, got sf4 today played for 30 mins , swore alot was chuffed i still remembered ryu's move inputs from snes sf2 then put sc back on lol
To me SC is the better fighter, but fails with the single player component and online play. If NB/Project Soul put more time and effort into SC4 with adding more depth to it and improving the netcode, then I wouldn't need to play SF4. I would just stick to older versions of the game. But it's all good because I love to play fighting games.
eck. Well I seriously need to review my SF4 gameplan. Cause rolling on Ranked, Im losing to scrub Kens, Tiger Knee Happy Sagats, and Watch me wake up Shoryu, Ryu's.

Note, I play both Gief and Akuma aggressively, but I felt I was playing smarter with Gief overall(was doing really well, just not good enough to bring home the gold). I just need to get my act together and quit trying to over complicate situations I get put in...hmmm, reminds me of my same problem on SC.

EDIT: Those kids ate a shitton of reversal EX HIV Hands and normal throws, lol
scrub Kens, Tiger Knee Happy Sagats, and Watch me wake up Shoryu, Ryu's.

Sounds like material to draw a documentary on! I don't have the game yet, and even if I did I can't go online with it, but if there's enough shenanigans like this on SFIV ranked matches, that just might be enough to go on. =D
This game is great, I'm insanely scrubby at the moment but I 'm still enjoying it. I haven't really played street fighter in like 5-10 years playing really takes me back.
i remember when we used to have tornaments on sf2 , i was shit hot. but unfortunatly i suck donkey balls on sf4 so i aint going anywhere near ranked at the mo. erm.... shouldnt seth have some pants on or something?
Akuma has the easiest ultra so you shouldn't have a problem getting Gouken.


anyways you can map all three punches or kicks to a single button so try doing that for ultras

I still maintain that sagat is the easiest to unlock the masters with

anyways you can map all three punches or kicks to a single button so try doing that for ultras

I still maintain that sagat is the easiest to unlock the masters with

His ultra is just LP LP back LK HP. You can just mash that out. Plus he said he was having trouble with doing other people's ultras.
this is not fair I beat Arcade Mode with all of the non-unlockable characters and still didn't get Seth..I'm on easiest with 1 round and time limit set to 30 & I'm on the PS3
kicking your xbox repeatadly till it explodes and steam comes out is the only way to play sf, it wont respond to screaming, violence apparently is the answer.
I think some peopl on SRK are wrong with the info...thanks

The info in regards to character unlocking? No, it's not wrong.

I followed it completely and got all the characters in 1 sitting.

Anyway, SFIV is fun. Granted, I still suck major balls with Viper and am semi disappointed that my Viper is improving at such a snail's pace. This and SC4 will easily hold me over until BlazBlue.

Either way, I'm determined to have a competent Viper before I stop playing the game.