Street Fighter 4!

Well if anyone wants to take a break from the legions of Ryu and Ken players online and play an Abel, I'm up for any games

PSN is in profile but just incase it's Retro_Funk

if you add me be sure to let me know you're from 8way.

I don't really know any combos or setups(basically because online makes it impossible to pull them off consistently anyways). So for the most part I just make use of Abel's fantastic maneuverability to win online.

Fortunately it only works on Able and Seth

So I'm not going to lie... I can't finish Rufus' Challenge Trial thing... the combos just elude me.

I feel like such a scrub because of it but I just CAN'T DO THESE FUCKING COMBOS It just doesn't seem possible to me.

It's like Focus Attack, Strong Kick, Foward+ Strong Punch, Symphony but I just can't get the Forward + Strong Punch to land no matter what I do.
Well, I guess I'm not using Abel or Seth, cause the Fei Long players have their own little mini community. Cammy and Gen are looking pretty bad. Let's do some more testing on the instant cannon strike with Cammy and some Gen combos before I completely abandon ship.

Gouken is looking good. But Sagat is still King, and that's just not my opinion. Since that Abel brutality is just too much to handle, I have another reason to use Honda.
I'm stickin with Abel to the grave

Basically exactly what I've been looking for in a Street Fighter character.

I'll probably pick up a secondary character but even with Fei-Dong's loop I'm not jumping ship
I've heard it is repeated 1 frame links to do Fei Long's combo on those 2 characters. Now assuming this is true, you are really not gonna see this in actual match play much.
Fortunately it only works on Able and Seth. It'll probably end up being banned regardless.

you clearly do NOT know how the SF community works, lol

People there do not ban anything except as an absolute last resort. Let me put it this way: In HD Remix, Bison has an ambiguous crossup that leads to a 100% combo from either side, and this works on almost every character in the game. Much more of a factor in real matches than this Fei stuff, yet nobody ever banned it in ST and Sirlin intentionally kept it in Remix.

I actually suspect that they learned about the Fei infinite during development and just figured it's not a big deal. That's exactly what happened with Fuerte's fierce loop, and that works on everyone.

Tiamat: Yeah, either a 1 or 2-frame link. I could see maybe doing 2 loops and finishing with fierce -> rekkas, like how Fuerte players generally do 2 fierces into slide.
So I'm not going to lie... I can't finish Rufus' Challenge Trial thing... the combos just elude me.

I feel like such a scrub because of it but I just CAN'T DO THESE FUCKING COMBOS It just doesn't seem possible to me.

It's like Focus Attack, Strong Kick, Foward+ Strong Punch, Symphony but I just can't get the Forward + Strong Punch to land no matter what I do.

that ones not that hard... *i am using a ps3 controller ...god help me* lol... but ya... take em to a corner... charge FOCUS attack all the way... when it hits do BACKDASH... then FIERCE KICK... give rufus time to recover... *.5 sec* then do forward + FIERCE PUNCH... again let him recover... *.5 sec* then do medium SNAKE STRIKE... now right as rufus lands buffer in ur ULTRA... one thing the ultra WON'T connect UNLESS snake strike hits them atleast 2-3 times... hopefully that helps...

i'm maining rufus, abel and sagat as of now... besides sagat i find that abel is like the Ralf of KOF...
Dang it. If it's only a 1 frame shift, I'll live with it. What sucks is I'm trying so hard to find a reason to play Honda over Abel. I just can't find it. BLAH!
Thank you very much Gator. Thats a good strategy. I appreciate it n_n

yep yep.. glad to be of help. I'd play you stick or even fight pad means a no go for SF4 just yet. I'll just feel...DIRTY...trying to use the xbox But if you ever take a trip to DAVIS, California

any other questions about bison/shotos just ask :)
I have trouble getting those jump-in combos. Most of the people I play against just jump around all the time and I can never get em in.
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

cammy FTW!!!

and to evyeone else that plays cammy here





that is all....
Because people love them (And I love to laugh at them)...the tear list for SF4 as posted in the Prima book.

S Sagat
A Zangief
A Ryu
A Fei Long
A Balrog
A M. Bison
A Blanka
B Rufus
B Akuma
B Seth
B Chun-Li
B Gouken
B Rose
B Ken
B Sakura
C El Fuerte
C Gen
C Abel
C Dhalsim
C Guile
C C. Viper
D Cammy
D E. Honda
D Vega
F Dan

wow!! om

bisons ranked that high...i though he would of ranked in the LT

C Guile
C C. Viper
D Cammy

I LOVE IT!!!!! cammy is at the bottom on most people list!!!! i hope less and less people will play her ^_^

and to ShinobiBrown... i'm sorry but you touch that dirty girl c viper...i'm sorry but cammy don't like sloppy seconds haha.....dude but seriously... stick to c viper ok... she's like "TOP TEIR"!!! you can go wrong there....just keep your dirty hands of MY women

k thanks <3
Hey now STD she's my girl too lay off me man(TITS)!!..the bad news is no holligan throw if they are crouching =[ WTF is that shit!!!(TITS)
Hey now STD she's my girl too lay off me man(TITS)!!..the bad news is no holligan throw if they are crouching =[ WTF is that shit!!!(TITS)

Well that explains a lot, along with it being amazingly stupid. There are some things with Cammy that Capcom did that really made no sense. 1) Making hooligan soooooo slow. 2) You can't grab crouching opponents while in hooligan. 3) Spinning back fist is soooo slow

It's almost as if they intentionally wanted hooligan combination to be trash in IV. Hell, if they didn't want to make hooligan grab crouching opponents, they could have at LEAST gave Cammy her Dive Kick out of hooligan and give it overhead properties.

@STD: NO! C.Viper X Cammy 4 eva