Taki's Just Frames + Tech Traps

If you do A:6+BB+KB you don't have to react.
You get either ABK or A:6 WRB
If you get the JF A:6+BB+KB can be better (more guaranteed damage) than A:6+BA+B or into PO.
If you don't A:6+BA+B or into PO can be better than A:6+BB+KB.
The JF isn't consistent enough

I'd rather get the PO or the bomb cancel than the K cancel. The K is WAAAY to easy to AC out of and there are no pressure options when it misses. All they have to do is hold back to get out.

With the PO or the bomb options I can rush with PO or cancel the bomb very quickly

Not to mention that if you delay the WR, you get more damage from the combo instead of doing the roll as early as possible because the JF causes the damage to scale tremendously.
The JF isn't consistent enough

I'd rather get the PO or the bomb cancel than the K cancel. The K is WAAAY to easy to AC out of and there are no pressure options when it misses. All they have to do is hold back to get out.

True that.

Not to mention that if you delay the WR, you get more damage from the combo instead of doing the roll as early as possible because the JF causes the damage to scale tremendously.

But is that not a Tech trap? Or is it inescapable even if i delay the WR B?

BTW I'm gonna put a JF attempt into everything i do with AB from now on. (outside of combo)
still inescapable if you delay it slightly - plus if they try to move at all it uncouples the damage and you get the WR B damage
After While crouching 1A+B on ground, a foward dash into A6 Jf is a tech trap, Also, 66BA only works in the air when there feet are facing taki and there face side up, for example, after 11k, 66BA is a guerenty(srry if spelt wrong). but if you were to do BT A+B witch has the same animation as 11k, basicaly it would not work becaue it does not launch them properly. another good tech trap is after 22_88B because 6A+B techs all directions.
Reviving this thread from the dead...
What is the timing on A:6? Is it really fast or slow? I can't see how it's A, then 6 on the next frame, as that should be hella easy, but I've never done A:6.
Also, to avoid making two nooby posts even though this may not quite fit here... what is the purpose of 33|A]? What does it let Taki do that 33A doesn't?

Gonna be reppin' Taki in Toronto if I can learn this ish.
You actually have fewer options after A:6 than you do after A6, the benefit of the JF is that it comes out as a mid faster. They can tech away from anything you try as you recover from doing the JF. I didn't demo it cause I couldn't find anything that worked well.

If you JF into WR, you're into the same game as from A6

now the 33ABBB JF I don't know about nor do I know about the 66BA JF in the AIR (on the ground it's the same as the non JF version)

This is not actually true, A6 jf makes a hell of a punisher, i10 punisher iirc. Also A6 jf makes you do things you normally couldn't do with A6. You can ring out after a 22B, you can TT with 6 A+B on CH (counterhit on the second hit of the jf I believe, not the first hit), and you can RO after a 4 A+B with it.

33_99 ABBB JF leads to a 6 A+B Tech Trap everytime, the only way it doesn't is if they Ukemi backwards on time, other than that, I've tested it hella times and they all seem to work.

66 BA JF I can't find too much use for it except for the fact it does more damage.

I'm making a Taki video and the JF's will be added, I already got the info recorded, I just got to put it into a video.
If you face a very, I mean a very, experienced player (fighting Taki) it is actually hard to input PO with pressures incoming. The 'experience player' uses 2K which is very simple but it is safe enough to stop the PO rush, and quick enough to block the hover B, and it keeps far enough to stay away from hover A most of the time; then what do you do?

PO 8K (dragon wheel?) is actually punishable on block; I didn't know that. Some attacks with fairly long range like most characters (hehe) will punish it.

Without PO, Taki has a lot of disadvatage in frames on most of her attacks. This is usually the challenge for me.

Yes, please put your input (or video) to revive this thread.
That's so true about PO 8K being punishable on block (especially on cassie or soph with their 236 B) but like everything with Taki in PO, you have to gamble. I do know PO 8K elimnates any form of low attack because of her hit box being in the air even if she on ground (vise-versa to someone like soph 1AA, whose body is in the air but her hitbox is on the ground) so it's not a bad idea to throw in a PO 8K at least once a match to put your opponent back on block after a PO transition; making them hesitant to 2A/2K/1K etc

And it sucks for Taki because you will have to rely on this gamble everytime if you want to keep at a frame advantage (I think every sequence into PO gives you an extra 5 frames than it's original form).

After awhile you come to a decision, to chip your opponent at every possible moment in the form of a turtle with moves like maneuvers (WR A, 6B, etc.) or go for a gamble with PO (which is becomes on high levels of play) and put your opponent in a state of confusion and lock, doing a little more reasonable amount of damage.

And about the video, I'm still currently working on it and will post it in the Taki forums once it's done. The main points covered in the video will be

Prologue: Learning 8wr's language
Chapter 1: a set of moves that carries over through all Taki players, and why
Chapter 2: the difference between NH and CH combos
Chapter 3: Possesion what it's moves are used for
Chapter 4: Ninja cannon and how to use it effectivly
Chapter 5: Just Frames
Epilouge: Tips for pro level play

I might add another Chapter in for stun combos, but I dunno if I really need to do that seeing as the ones she has can be mixed and matched and there's no official stun combo that will give you an initiative over the others.

Currently I'm almost chapter one (The longest chapter!) and will be finish with that either today or tomorrow. I was thinking of posting alittle sample of what to expect in it but I was like nah, let me jsut finish it and post it as a whole lol.
I think 2K or 1A move is the only deadly move for Taki's PO. The only PO counter is 8K and that move is dangerous itself. Everything else I can counter fairly well with PO mixups. You would find that PO cancels are very useful against experience players, because they want to see what's coming so they tend to block. At least that's my experience.
PO cancels are only bad for button mashers for obvious reason. It's my little thought on Taki's PO. But it's hush hush. I don't want more people know how to handle Taki PO.
Well it's Taki boards so share and share away, help your fellow Taki's on getting better. :)

Yea PO cancels suck for mashers, Hover B/A mix-ups (A mix-up on them) stops their spam and makes them think twice about spamming, thus, putting them in a state of confusion for a sec, where PO cancels can then come in handy.
I thought both of them lead to stun's?

Also I made alittle teaser trailer of what will be explained in the video, check it out here:

You can get sort of an idea of what will be explained with the first portion of the video.
Oops. I didn't even see what move we were talking about. I just assumed it was A:6 JF, then it was what I was talking about. My bad.

If it is 66BA JF maybe it was faster execution and recovery besides more damage. Like JF ukemi.
Was messing around with some Tech Traps DK showed me and I got an idea

33k_A:6, WR BKB BT A+B 41236b

Does it work?

I know the BKB puts you in the BT state
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