Taki's Replacement Revealed?!

  • Admin
This week Daishi has been teasing that he might do an early reveal of one of the two silhouettes posted about a week ago. He's been asking which of the two silhouettes people want to see most, and today he gives us an early look at a brand new female character!

new character.jpg

Daishi has been rather glib on whether or not Taki would be returning. However, with the reveal of this character, it can be assumed that Taki may only play a secondary role in Soul Calibur 5.

Thanks Daishi! Comic Con 2011 is only a week away, stay tuned for the next reveal!
Why is everyone getting all mad about the "anime weeaboo" direction of the character? I mean, Taki was by far the most weeaboo character in SC anyway. You can say she was a badass, but look at HER old concept art:




Like really, Taki wasn't weeaboo before? You guys are kidding yourselves.
Is it because she's smiling in her picture? Is it because she's not putting up her 2 finger weeaboo jutsu bullshit? Why is it that you guys are hating on the CONCEPT ART of a character?

Lol, you never cease to amaze me.
Why is everyone getting all mad about the "anime weeaboo" direction of the character?

Blonde Japanese person perhaps? Not that I'm complaining. I support adoption and I like white chicks. But that there's a thing there though alright.

-Bear with me. I'm trying to write the worst sentence to read ever.
The first thing that popped in my head was Sets and Mitsu had a kid and was raised by Taki.

Not so bad really.

I'd miss Taki, though. And yeah, I'd still buy SC V. 2 copies, one for each console.
@ Lasercakes

Well, Setsuka is blonde. Go figure, lol.

I know, it is very unlikely. Them hooking up would be unbelievable. But that is the impression I got looking at that teenybopper ninja.

See you around, dude.
:sc2tak2:You've got to be kidding. (Taki is not impressed)
Ugh, well i see she is a relation to Taki, Red Outfit so possibly she is a part of her clan. (Well Taki was like F U and went rouge on them lol) So i assume she is going to be looking for taki
I thought white guys loved how much Asian video games tend to cater to them. Hell, 'white' male, cookie-cutter protagonists are one of the main reasons I stopped playing so many JRPGs.

Mitsu wouldn't have a recessive blonde allele to give. Just saying.

Hair color isn't that simple.
People complaining about how "anime" the new girl is should take a long good look at Taki.

Who is a demonhunter in a bright red skintight jumpsuit. With magic spells. Nothing anime over that, right?

Her being blonde could well be a plotpoint- Arthur has daughter, who's to say this isn't her?
ITT: People ignorant to the FACT that there was NOTHING special about Taki's design TO BEGIN WITH.

Your typical cliche ninja archetype character with huge tits got replaced with the SAME DAMN CONCEPT:

+Blonde hair
- Stupidly big tits

Taki fans, your tears are delicious.
I do like her look but i hope the new characters are not all gonna be copies of the old characters. Its kinda stupid that they made a younger blond version of Taki and Pyrrha is also kinda a copy of her mom and aunt.
I think she have a good pass for the new 15 characers list of SCV she won't dissapoint us I'm sure of that...
I do like her look but i hope the new characters are not all gonna be copies of the old characters. Its kinda stupid that they made a younger blond version of Taki and Pyrrha is also kinda a copy of her mom and aunt.
Agree with you
I hate this new character. They got a ditzy high school girl to replace my ass-kicking, old-school ninja assassin??? Unbelievably lame. This new reject from a teen comedy/drama looks like she'd rather be at the mall than studying ninjitsu.

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