The AMAZING SC5 Online General Discussion Thread

Online is freakin incredible. 4-5 bars are insanely good, like, I'm actually wowed here. Not perfect obviously, just frame timing is a no no most of the time, and if I do get it it's on accident basically, but it's so much better than expected.

Gonna get a lot of mileage out of this.
In my first day of SCV online, I blocked tons of 1As, 2A+Bs, and other such nonsense, and also claimed NDK's balls as my own.

I'm seriously impressed with online this time around. I seriously doubt I'll have to limit myself even half as much as I did in SCIV's online. It's pretty great.
Game isn't out here till Friday so can anyone answer a few questions for me?

Does Global Colosseo work the same as the giant chatrooms in MK9?
Why follow people in this game? Do I see their replays or am I notified when they're online?
Is there a reserve option in the lobbies similar to UMvC3?
Game isn't out here till Friday so can anyone answer a few questions for me?

Does Global Colosseo work the same as the giant chatrooms in MK9?
Why follow people in this game? Do I see their replays or am I notified when they're online?
Is there a reserve option in the lobbies similar to UMvC3?
I believe picking "rivals" compares your win/loss records, and does have replays to show. as for the other question, someone else will have to answer.
I only played like 5 to 10 games of online last night. But holy crap this netcode is frickin AMAZING!! I to was blocking lows and (Heaton will like this) I was able to duck under sigs and nightmares drop kicks! on reaction son!! LOOOOL

You know what tho. I did have some really weird lag out spots tho. It didnt kick me outta the room but right in the middle of a match with oofmatic, the game froze for a few seconds and suddenly we were in the match lobby area starting a new round. Happened to or 3 times with different people. Anyone else experience this?

You know what tho. I did have some really weird lag out spots tho. It didnt kick me outta the room but right in the middle of a match with oofmatic, the game froze for a few seconds and suddenly we were in the match lobby area starting a new round. Happened to or 3 times with different people. Anyone else experience this?


Happens when the connection goes out of sync or one lags out to the point of the match not being able to recover. Happens seldom to me too (one out of 20+ matches)
Happened to me quite a bit more than that, But that explains it. At least it doesnt end the room and ur kicked out the lobby. If this is the worst that will happen with online.....Then I can deal with that
We pointed it out to Filthie last night. Wouldn't necessarily hold my breath for the patch, but he is aware of it. All we can do right?
It's pretty nice. I have more fun spectating than playing against most players, since they are more hardcore fighting game types whereas I'm a more hardcore tactics-game type. :p Playing defensively doesn't work as well/easily in SC5, it feels like. In the few fights I have played on an even field (winning 2 out of 5 rounds or so) I had tons of fun and didn't run into any instances of lag yet. I really just wanna see people's less-wacky creations in action. So far everyone is over-armored, fucked-up make-up style. :(
Yeah Sora....all we can do. I dont think its a big deal. Id rather jsut end the match than deal with lag spikes and annoying moves I cant block!!

Ive seen some pretty fucked up CaS's so far. Funny how some people buy this game strictly to play dress up. I think its LLLOOOOLLL....but more power to ya. Just dont cry when I whoop ur as!!
Yep. Who could miss SoulCalibur's online at it's finest hour?


I guess the 33 wins with the 1As, 4Bs, and 33BBs were all a sham for this guy.
As much as I want to like this game, I can't. I hate it, I'm just gonna another irrelevant online player. I'm retiring from competitive calibur :/
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