The AMAZING SC5 Online General Discussion Thread

I go into a room labeled "Serious Business" and get kicked out for grabbing. ;)


Tch. Tch. Tch. didn't you know throws are cheap? There's no way to break them!
Other things that are cheap include:
Ring outs
Strategies (learn how to mash, SCRUB! Dats wut proz dew!)
Guard breaking
Knockdown lows
high attacks
overhead attacks
Just Guard
Holding the controller

Seriously, Red Djinn. This is SERIOUS buisness, right here!
G 2222222222222222222222
Friendly mail from an Algol player I've run into about six or seven times in ranked - lost to him everytime - thanking me for not rage quitting even once. Honor among casuals, yes.
I was drunk and talked a lot of smack last night. I pretty much lost to everybody but didn't mind too much since they were all very close. But if anyone was in New York last night and witnessed me (Mibu) making an ass out of myself don't hold it against me. I'm embarrassed. I don't know what all I said but I remember discovering the word sphincter doesn't get censored. Neither does slimey I was drunk. Sorry to all I offended.
I was playing a mediocre astaroth player by the tag of hardwirecars. About halfway into our matches he just starts 2K into FCK'ing non stop. I 9B or 4KK him for it with nightmare. After the match he says to quit spamming lows(1K maybe?). Well whatever he meant he plays some more. I pick Viola our last game. I beat him the first round jG-ing most his shit like 1AB/A. He starts a round off with 9B+K which I just guard, launch him into combo for, and 4B+K after the combo just to taunt him a bit. Be quits and I get the following exchange.
"fuck u"
"just guard is bs eat a dick"
"maybe you should just learn to play :\"
"u should learn to quit relying on a broken tactic"
"how is it broken if it either takes reacting to a move, or reading the opponent followed by execution? you're just mad you can't get it. :\"
I was playing a mediocre astaroth player by the tag of hardwirecars. About halfway into our matches he just starts 2K into FCK'ing non stop. I 9B or 4KK him for it with nightmare. After the match he says to quit spamming lows(1K maybe?). Well whatever he meant he plays some more. I pick Viola our last game. I beat him the first round jG-ing most his shit like 1AB/A. He starts a round off with 9B+K which I just guard, launch him into combo for, and 4B+K after the combo just to taunt him a bit. Be quits and I get the following exchange.
"fuck u"
"just guard is bs eat a dick"
"maybe you should just learn to play :\"
"u should learn to quit relying on a broken tactic"
"how is it broken if it either takes reacting to a move, or reading the opponent followed by execution? you're just mad you can't get it. :\"

Hes still salty evidently he just posted a status about you LOL

I see a "spam = boot" lobby, I go in, play against loki saint, and surprise surprise, get booted, due to grabbing. What else is new?

It should be named ( I cant beat what your doing = boot. room )
Colosseo New York - "Losers should kill themselves!" LOL! That's so funny. A friend of mine had his first long term girl-friend kill herself. The funeral was hilarious! We just kept telling the corpse "That's what you get for losing a Colosseo match in SC5".
Sarcasm aside - fuck that guy. I hope he gets ass cancer and has to shit pancakes the rest of his life.
I can't get more than a match or two in on player matches when even using Kilik. This is getting ridiculous. One JG and everyone gets their panties in a knot.
I can't get more than a match or two in on player matches when even using Kilik. This is getting ridiculous. One JG and everyone gets their panties in a knot.
I always get one of two reactions. Either they immediately assume I'm a monster at this game, or they hate me/think I'm cheap and then immediately start pointing out how I'm a spammer or any other perceived flaw in my playstyle. What's really fun is when both are in the same room. Went into a 3 man room yesterday. One guy picks Algol and I start jG-ing his strings for meatier punishers. He's really impressed, the other guy is too. Until I do it to him next match. Then he begins screaming out "SAME MOVE" over and over again. Multiple times during the same viola combo. The other guy says I'm really good; points out that I'm just-guarding all over the place or stepping at the right times. The complainer screams "He just keeps doing the same combo over and over again!" To which my ally replies "I dunno man, that's a pretty combo. Especially when she keeps flashin' blue to start it."
I paid attention to how many matches the "internet bully" types have played. They've played about ten times the number of matches I have. So yes, a gentleman (I use that term loosly) with thousands of matches to my hundreds says I'm a noob, a coward, and that I suck so bad I should kill myself. Aren't people great!? Welcome to the community!
Had someone ragequit in the colosseo yesterday, which I thought was weird because seriously who cares about win percentage in global colosseo? That guy, I guess.

I've only managed to JG once online, but when I did (against a mediocre Nightmare) it just took the wind out of their sails. Guy was afraid to commit to anything after that.
Ok so I had some dude named moreno1310 enter my room using Ivy. He wins the first match, taunting and overkilling with bK the whole time. I win the other three matches before he leaves and sends me hatemail.

"learn play son of a bitch you only do THREE attacks the low triangle and the others two are you stupid? learn combos mother fucker son of a bitch you deserve die"

I once just guarded an entire string of stabs (6A+B?) and a BE combo from a Xiba player in the same round. He just walked away from the game and let me 2K him to death for 2 more rounds.

I get booted all the time for winning. Players who rely on lag to be even moderately successful are my favorites to harass. I'll win 2 rounds, then put them down to 5hp in the third round, then JG, GI, and backstep them till the timer runs out.