The AMAZING SC5 Online General Discussion Thread

Generic Online Scrub: "Omg you suck, all you do is spam the same moves over and over!! NO SKILL!

Me: If you lose to "spam", then what does that say about you?

Generic Online Scrub: .......BLOCKED, FAG!!1!

Online <3 :')...
I'm rank A4 right now. You know what that means? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. In my hundreds of matches online, I can count the number of players that I've had solid enough connections with for high(ish)-level play on my two hands. For me, the purpose of online is exposure to the moves and mindsets of characters. Other than that, it's still garbage.

There's nothing more satisfying than raping some "pro" Nightmare by predicting 80% of his moves because you already understand his gameplan better than he does. When I go offline, everything changes. Being familiar with most of the moves in the game as well as most of the basic shenanigans each character has makes fighting against new players offline much easier in the long run. When I lose to lag tactics, I just keep rolling and avoid that player. No sense in fighting matches that nothing can be learned from.
Never fails. I can go 20+ wins straight without issue. I go up against a random scrub that is just popping this game in for the first time, he picks viola, and I get butt-raped!!

why is this bitch so hard for me. I just cant read anything she does. Ima hit the damn lab this weekend and NOT come out till I got the viola match-up down.

Then next weekend Ima work on wolf-boy, cause he pisses me off to!!
My connections have been meh. Never were that good to begin with, but I've noticed a large increase in the number of 3-bar connections I've been getting lately.
Look at my ranks guize. I'm an A1 online!
My secret?
Generic Online Scrub: "Omg you suck, all you do is spam the same moves over and over!! NO SKILL!

Me: If you lose to "spam", then what does that say about you?

Generic Online Scrub: .......BLOCKED, FAG!!1!

Online <3 :')...
I'd challenge you more often but I don't know if your one of those good players who finds it "tedious" or "annoying" to play some one who isn't a challenge. Some people have a knack at this game. I don't. I have to work and gain experience. I'd like more experience playing good players at least a couple times a night anyway. You're good so feel free to challenge me anytime even though it prolly benefits me more than you. Eventually, a few of us mediocre players might actually get enough experience against people who know what they're doing to be tedious and annoying for different reasons. Also, if I'm getting smashed I tend to say "Fuck it" and start experimenting. Just, if I'm going down in disgrace I might as well try to figure some stuff out.
Oh yeah, for the first time since the start of the series I'm not playing Mitsu. It's going to take me a while to get used to the shift in mindset to handle Viola like it's second nature. Mitsu died in SCIV. This new guy is just a poor imitation.
I was playing a mediocre astaroth player by the tag of hardwirecars. About halfway into our matches he just starts 2K into FCK'ing non stop. I 9B or 4KK him for it with nightmare. After the match he says to quit spamming lows(1K maybe?). Well whatever he meant he plays some more. I pick Viola our last game. I beat him the first round jG-ing most his shit like 1AB/A. He starts a round off with 9B+K which I just guard, launch him into combo for, and 4B+K after the combo just to taunt him a bit. Be quits and I get the following exchange.
"fuck u"
"just guard is bs eat a dick"
"maybe you should just learn to play :\"
"u should learn to quit relying on a broken tactic"
"how is it broken if it either takes reacting to a move, or reading the opponent followed by execution? you're just mad you can't get it. :\"

I played that fellow when the game first came out...
He accused everyone who beat him with lag tactics.
He's hella pro, guize. watch out for him.
Apparently talking TOO these people is pointless so we do the next best thing and talk ABOUT them. I have yet to have any rage-loser who would listen to reason or admit "I just have to bitch cuz I hate losing".
Mitsu died in SCIV. This new guy is just a poor imitation.

Mitsu's great in this game! He's so good, I can't play anyone else.


I've been hearing that from a few people now, though. "Oh, Mitsu got ruined." Nah! Nah, he has everything he needs! The stuff he lost, either it wouldn't fit with him now in the new game, or it'd make him too good.
I get kicked just for playing Maxi. No matter what room im in. Same thing happened in SC4 tho. So Im not suprised. Lately Ive been forced to play ranked matches *eeeewwww*, and if beat the snot outta some new guy, they typically wont play me again.

Its a hard chucked life for us maxi players

I didn't say he was weak or anything. Just ruined for me. No B+K or A+K aGI, no Relic stance so no aGI from that stance. The whole reason I played him was to look like a cocky bastard and sheath my sword. Got to where I could duck throws and highs and jump lows with Relic. So, it's all sour grapes for me. Like I said, I played him throughout the series so it was prolly time for me to move on anyway. He seems slower and more predictable to me now too.
No B+K or A+K aGI
Dun need 'em. (And he might be S tier with that stuff.)

no Relic stance so no aGI from that stance.
I reiterate.

The whole reason I played him was to look like a cocky bastard and sheath my sword.

Patroklos has cocky bastard on lock, if you're looking.

He seems slower and more predictable to me now too.
6B8 is pure speed.

2KB BE is still unseeable. That's all the fast I need.