The Cepheus Store thread

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Yeah, I'm not here to shove at disappointment, but hey, next time they might put up the SCV pack 3 and more, since it may go in the same way, but you can never be too sure...

Also, Pack 6 gears up for purchase now on XBL.
Well, at least here's the skinny on CP 6.

Music Pack 1: Swallowtail Suit (Upper Body) is Unisex and can be stickered, and Powdered Wig is also unisex, but for whatever reason, its in the (Head) equipment and not in the Hairstyle section.

Bridal Pack 1: Tuxedo Outfit (Men) and Bridal Outfit (Women), Tuxedo can only be stickered, and Bridal Tiara is still a Equipment 1 piece only.

I'm not gonna go on Clashing/Incompatibles, I'd rather have someone else do that...
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Yeah Vulcan, I've already called and got dibs on these 2 for Creation...

MCW.png (Obvious) rose.jpg(Also obvious, but guess who, lol.)
Well guys, here we go again...

Not only that I'm/we're dissapointed yet again, but in Pack 6, it seems we only have 2 things up for purchase, which seems real low. But at least its still better than nothing, and this is what we waited

Bridal/Wedding Pack 1 ($3/240MSP) and Music Festival Pack 1 ($1/80MSP)

BS indeed R.C., lol, but think of the possibilities, lol...
It's not what we're being given that makes it B.S.; it's that's it's all we're getting. There's a assload of items on that thumbnail and they're only going to release two sets? It was bad enough that they only gave us 3 items at a time. Now they're doing two? To me it seems like they've run out of new things to make, so they're stringing out the dlc for as long as they can. I was considering buying all the previous dlc to help support them, but if this is how they're going to do things, they can forget it.
I'm gonna hate to say this, but I'm gonna say that we'll have to come back to this thread in 2 weeks, lol. Its a shame really. Hopefully it'll have the good stuff, and before I said in a reply probably that there will be rage from this pack...
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