The Custom Natsu and Taki thread!

Okay so I'm relatively to new to these forums but I'm going to try my hand at posting some of my Custom Natsu's, and of course I have created a decent Taki. :) Here is my first post enjoy! :)


Does she look familiar?


Stickers are my best friend.


Pocket stickers, gotta love em'!


I know! I know the undershorts are their. :/ Try to see past them...?
Interesting CAS there. Now to do Spoilers....

{Spoiler} anything you want in here {/Spoiler}

Except use this symbol [ and not this one {. The { was just an example.
Okay so now I will be showing off my custom Natsu's... Oh the joy... :'D

Let's get serious... Arahabaki!!


Her body doesn't look very proportional to me... Blasted TV & camera. >:(


Dat snowflake pattern... <3


So as you can see I really like the pocket stickers around the leg area. It's just perfect for our favorite ninja girl, Natsu.


Le back shot...


Obviously I was inspired to do a hair piece on top of Natsu's ponytail due to all of Taki's designs.


I know this may seem odd but their's a good explanation to it. Very early concept art of Taki shows her dressed in a sort of Yoshimistu styled ninja outfit. So I decided to make this.


It's still Natsu even if you can't tell... :D


The Strange Ward... How I love thee.
So if you guys want to see some more of my custom Natsu's... Well I just might need a bit of encouragement. ;)
Thank you! I'm still improving my skills so hopefully over time my creations will get better. The first one is a little plain I know, Maybe I can change the main piece she is wearing... As for the last one I don't expect anyone to really like it, I just think it's interesting how Taki went through some major costume changes before Soul Edge came out.
Although 2 of them were misses, they did give me an idea or two. The first one really gives me an idea on messing around with Seong Mi-na's coat. The last one makes me think Yoshimitsu masks, Kabuki hairs, and such.

The second one I will agree with what Le Bello. It was simple but the pocket sticker really made her shine. Not bad.
Well thanks for the feed back :) Pocket stickers are great, they can be used for an upper body corset design, leg wear and much more. :3
Alrighty here is one more for today, this one is similar to the second one you guys liked. :D


Here's a more girlish one.


Why can't we make undergarments a decent red... :/


I love how the mesh kind of laces up the pocket stickers.
Now that's REALLY nice. I like the blend of sleek ninja simplicity with that feminine patterned shawl - I think it suits Natsu perfectly. The red trimming on it is especially nice.

My only issue is that it's very bright. I wonder if making the white a little darker would give it a slight boost in maturity and detract from the overbearing look, thought in fairness it does look like the camera has just made everything look a little brighter, so that's something.

Really fresh feeling though, good job.
Thanks, you guys are awesome! You know Le Bello you give some wonderful tips for cas, you're gonna go places someday I can feel it xD... But yes I think I actually made the suit the brightest white but dulling down the brightness does seem to make a lot of sense :o
Okay guys more custom Natsu's coming up... I just can't stop dressing her up... D:

I absolutely love orange & red on Natsu, she represents Autumn in her combat style so why not represent it in her apparel as well?


Note: This shot was taken before I started editing the bow & due to laziness I did not take another back shot.


Natsu looking girly... Or does this shot just make her look slightly crazed? xD You guys decide!


This is Natsu's Town kimono :3 I love doing Japanese themes!


Another back shot, nothing to special here.


Now the hair piece I gave her is... Well it's curious to me, I don't know if their horns or chopsticks holding her hair up... They probably need to be edited.


I thought it'd be fun to give Natsu a more heavy armor look, and it was. It was very fun. :D


I used the snowflake pattern to give certain pieces a more metallic texture... Of course I'm sure you guys have better knowledge of what would work better.. So some advice on this subject would be nice.


I really like the bird pattern thingy it is nice. :D


This is Natsu's warrior look. :) I really like how the undergarment worked with the shorts in this one.


You know I love the Tiger Lilly set but my personal opinion about the greaves is a... Well less desirable one.


The goddess feather broach was fun to work with, I hope you guys enjoy!
Thanks, you guys are awesome! You know Le Bello you give some wonderful tips for cas, you're gonna go places someday I can feel it xD... But yes I think I actually made the suit the brightest white but dulling down the brightness does seem to make a lot of sense :o

Well it's nice to have some awesome designs. The more people share the more we care, or something less Saturday morning special sounding :P

I give wonderful tips? So they say. I just like to be honest, but thank you! :)

It's the Naruto effect. Stealthy Ninja wearing bright orange? Sure ok logic.

Now, onto you latest works:
(I can definitely see that your camera brightens up the image, so I'll bear that in mind.)

That Autumnal design is absolutely LUSH. At first I thought the shoes looked a bit childish in comparison to a more mature attire, and yet the more I look the more they fit - After all, Natsu isn't an entirely serious character, so they still have an elegance to them. Superb work, I may just steal it.

The bow on the back however sticks out with it's lack of texture. It matches the shorts of course, but being position on the midriff where you have the patterned kimono and the sheaths makes it really obvious. Have you considered using the gradient pattern, or one of the two-colour animal ones? If you take the tiger pattern, for example, and colour both channels the same colour, then you get some lovely auto-texturing without it looking like she's skinned a tiger.

Of course I JUST read the comment so uh, fair does. Haha, oh =/

Dreamily crazed. Like she's thinking about her crush, and how she's going to punish him for something.


Town kimono Natsu doesn't appeal to me, I'm sorry to say. I'm not fond of the colours, and the fact that they're everywhere isn't helping :P Of course our tastes differ and I recognise this isn't something constructive, so instead I'll point out that if you can recolour the belt to something that stands out a lot more, it'll go a long way to improving the flow of the design. Something bright and bold, like a strong red or a brighter pink perhaps?

I do like the hairpiece though.


Armour Natsu is fraggin GORGEOUS. I know you called it heavy armour, but it's still light enough that she wouldn't look ridiculous acrobating about in it, and whilst I've seen that sticker used as a chest plate before, but it looks particularly well done here.

The design itself tells me it SHOULD look generic, but it certainly doesn't. Maybe it's the expertly chosen colour scheme, or maybe it's because the snowflake pattern looks almost like floral embellishment, I don't know, but it's certainly lovely. Could I easily imagine this being an official alt costume? Yes. Very much so.

The third picture has everything brightened again, but if the true colours are the ones in the first two images, then it's perfect as far as I'm concerned.


The Warrior Natsu is an interesting one. My initial thought was how Egyptian it looked, though that's not something that stuck around long. It's mysterious enough though, certainly.
Sadly though there's something about it I just can't get on with, it looks a bit uncomfortable somehow, and I think it's mainly the light chestpiece with the relatively heavy arms that's making me think that? I believe that's down to personal preference rather than an objective statement though, so don't pay it much heed.
What I can say is that there're some incredibly neat little touches here and there. The shorts/stocking combo is suitable and appealing,
The colouration is nice, particularly as the last shot shows the red off a bit more, which contrasts nicely to the gold you chose. I also LOVE the feathered arm-guards, I think it adds a great little detail, and makes the angles of the design more interesting and less original.


Well, I hope you realise you're producing some of the best designs I've seen for a while.
Wow Le Bello this is some great encouragement! I'm almost teary eyed at the praise I'm receiving. Once again thank you. :D

Okay so down to business, about the Autumnal design (as you would call it) I know the bow is kind of screwy, I've been considering redoing the bow any how. The tiger design but with the same colors..? GENIUS! The shoes are a bit less mature- ish but this is Natsu we're talking about here... I chose the shoes because they look girly yet something she could still were while being the awesome ninja she is. I've got another design that you would love now that I think about it... It's got the same color scheme so I'll take shots with my shitty camera and post it later. You are also more than welcome to steal, I don't mind. :D

The town kimono does need work, it's really plain I know. You don't think the color scheme of red blue & black works well? I've always liked it but I'm sure their's a good reason why it doesn't appeal to the eye to well. Now that I think about it red & blue most definitely clash. Oh well I can rework it, that's why I'm here; to gain feedback and work out the flaws, and the feedback part... Well you're doing it right to say the least! ;D

Armor Natsu... Well your comment on her really brightened my day. I guess it's not really heavy armor but hey you knew what I meant xD I love the bird sticker on the chest, the way it can wrap around the chest area with it's wings is just... Oh man it's just awesome. I'm glad you like the gold- ish brown & dark purple, I like that scheme myself to. As for the snowflake pattern, I have a bad habit of spamming it on a lot of things to make a leather or metallic effect. I'm trying to fix this flaw of course to become better, but I need to figure out when it does & does not work.

Warrior Natsu does look Egyptian doesn't she? The feedback you gave me will prove to be most useful, while one could say the chest piece fits others could say that it most certainly does not fit. This is a problem that I must fix, thank you for bringing it to my attention!

...The last bit was better than any kind of compliment I would have ever hoped to get on here, thank you I feel very inspired by this & will not be shy about posting my designs. Maybe I can break away with the ninja fetish I have and make other designs over time as well. xD
^ Please remind me to respond to this later, I find my free time is presently fleeting and thusly must leave post haste as I'm being given "the look". Aherm.