The Ring Out Thread

What do you think about ring outs?

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I used to hate RO with a passion, and pretty much avoid doing so as a personal code. Nowadays, I don't hate them so much as lament that I put myself in that situation. However, I can't say the same if someone's entire, legitimate strategy revolves around it, and they have no back up when it fails. More than I'd to admit, I've fallen victim to tactics like that, and probably will again in the future. To sum up, I don't make a point of using RO, but I don't think they're cheap. Just easily abused to the point of frustration.

And just as a little disclaimer, if it's apparent you're just goofing around and use RO to get some laughs, that's fine with me, since you can use other strategies if it doesn't work. I just have a problem with people who use it as their legitimate, end all be all strategy, and don't have a back up plan and keep trying after it's apparent it won't work. After looking through some of the other threads here, I really don't want to have a missunderstanding and get off on the wrong foot with anyone here. Glad to be here, btw ^__^