Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

Wasn't excited for the game, but I did say I'd pick it back up if they changed a couple of things so...I guess I'm getting it.
Hey guys, keep in mind - like Jill and Shuma, there's a good chance there will be additional characters available for DLC. They may not be a apart of the leaked list, but they may not have them ready to show yet (since they're not in-game). So we might get a few more characters. I hope that Gambit is one of them.
Man all these characters I can't to see gameplay vids, I was thinking of who I want to play with but I'll wait for Justin Wong to decide who I should play...
I can't imagin Megaman not being added as DLC and likely they'll try to do the new one for the Megaman Universe game. Marvel dunno...they have an agenda and it's not all fan fav's. I'm loving the new balances and tweeks though. Only criticism is FUCK that GUI. I like the more idea of making the X-factor more noticeable but it's way too big and visually everything else is a disaster.

I feel this is actually a significant amount of changes to warrant a new disc...but we'll see. Right now I'm pretty happy.

The only character I wanted to be added. The rest are all cool though, such as Strider, Ghost Rider and Strange, although I question some like Nemisis (why?) and Rocket Racoon (wtf?)

Can't wait to test his setups and combos and see how he compares to Dante.
I want to play as Apocalypse and Gill.

Come to think of it, Apocalypse would be a badass addition, just because his powers would allow capcom to give him a very unique fighting style. I think I'd replace somebody on my list with him (probably Ms. Marvel)
I have only one thing to say about UMvC3:


Shit is going down.
Probably going to wait until the game hits about 20, actually. Way too soon for an 'update' and there'll be other stuff to buy.
I'm sooo in love with all the balance changes I've been reading, really the only thing I didn't like is now Dorm carpet disappears if he is hit (not listed in the link), but that's purely personal bias for a move I love to abuse. It looks like UMvC3 is going to be a lot more legit and tone down the craziness we have right now.

List of Changes

Personally I'm fine with this update...really for $40 you're getting 12 characters (normally 5 a pop...so 5x12 = 60), 8 new stages, 2 new colors per char, 1 new costume per char, HUGE balance patch, added features and modes, etc... While some of this can be argued should've been in already or free...you are still getting a fuck ton of content that would've cost much more had it been released as DLC. This way it's actually cheaper, easier for them to correct things, and won't take up HD space?

...still no Megaman baffles me but right now my mind is too blown with how many characters I want to play now...Ryu is looking great and will finally have some much needed flavor so he's not just Akuma Light and feels completely different as a character now.

Hype team speculation right now: Hawkeye/Storm(whirlwind)/Taskmaster(vert)

Also to be noted...I will learn Rocket Raccoon and I will pwn face with him so help me Gawd.
Some of those changes don't make sense to me, but I do like the Dorm changes along with the Doom changes. I would love to learn about any changes to hulk though.
so from what I've been checking into, Hulk might have Sent style armor on his moves now! meaning he gonna rape you.
you Nobs capcom you could release that as dlc you can bloody download whole games ffs capcom have better stop being gay mml3 cancelled and now this and now yep no phoniex wright edgeworth investigations 2 and devil may cry 5 looks really bad
what dif does it make? It would cost more as DLC separately and when you put the disc in another console you wouldn't have you're DLC content...read my previous post