Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

He earned his PhD from the University of Phoenix, since he schooled that b***** for free....

Such. an. epic. LINE.
I need to know anti-zero strategies, playing online with that bastard is annoying for dormammu!

BTW, my team is dorm, wesker, taskmaster (in that order) any help is appreciated!!

Also to find out the true matchup for doom vs doom, you must know the answer of dividing any number by zero
Well my time in the lab has shown my he has weaknesses in his high priority attacks, but it's still difficult. Taskmaster actually has more range at certain angles I found, so going air to air is not a bad idea and trading with a launch isn't a bad idea either as you get time to escape a corner (my akuma can do this too). Also stay above him always, his hit box doesn't cover above him much.
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Some more gameplay videos of Phoenix and Nova.

Phoenix is just...lol. Don't know what to say about him, but his "Pursuit" stance (when he gets 3 pieces of solid evidence) does seem pretty damn scary. That damn finger of his ground bounces, wall bounces and probably causes at least a soft knockdown. And that range is just, wow. I didn't really care about him and still don't, but I'm interested in seeing just how far he can go.

Nova seems a tad bit generic, but I'm much more interested in him than Phoenix right now. Seeing him zip across the screen really made me lol more than I should have, but he seems very good. He's got your typical beam hyper, "Inferno," and Maximum Nova. I wanna try him out and see where I can go with it.
Nova is reminding me of Taskmaster in some way, I just can't think of it right now...

Anyways, Nova looks like he does solid good damage (not truck, more like hummer lol) and as Seth mentioned in a video, the generic "boring" beam hyper has extra effects like moar damage (he mentioned damage of a lv3 super for 1 bar).

Nova is fairly solid right now, Phoenix Wright on the other hand is just LOL.

PW reminds me of what Servbot should have been in MvC2. His lv.3 is just weird IMO, and dat Sentinel stage is amazing!!! (Sentinel + Sentinel stage = WIN!)
If PW catches you with his finger in turnabout, you're dead. No ifs, ands or buts about it. He can probably build 1 meter at least in a single combo, so even hanging around at level 2 hyper bar will be dangerous for anyone fighting him.

God forbid he can combo from courtroom mode -> objection -> turnabout -> combo -> level 3. That can kill Thor even if he retains 1.3m.

The fundamental weakness of Wright as far as I can tell is that he needs to hit you with Objection before he can go turnabout. As far as all the current vids go, this seems to be the case. Because of this, I believe he will be gimmicky at best, thrash at worst.

However, if it turns out that Objection DOESN'T need to hit, PW will have that much more potential to become competitive. He can play effective keepaway on his own already, so going to turnabout will no longer be an issue.

UPDATE: So it turns out Objection DOES need to hit, and if it doesn't hit or is blocked (latter to be confirmed), you lose all your evidence.

But, the twist to this weakness? THC-ing into PW -> Air Objection -> Knockdown -> Level 3.

I'm looking forward to Phoenix, Phoenix teams myself. Just for confusion's sake. "That was a nice hit by Phoenix" "Which one?"
They could just refer to him as "Wright", and refer to her as "Jean."

I can see Wright having trouble against characters with even average zoning ability though. Any teleport character with a decent assist (Dante + Doom beam, for example) will blow him up hard too. As for Nova, I'm not really sure what to make of him. People have commented that he seems like Casshern from TvC, as well as a combination of Skrull and Iron Man. That being said, I will simply say that he definitely has potential, and he's not a character that should be slept on.