Viola General Discussion / Q&A

I am so mortified. I was on the stream and Didn't realize it and got to drop combos eeeverywhere. I'm like... I'm gonna go stick my head in a hole and never come out.
Welcome to the club. :) Maybe we could both go and show'em how it's not done!
I find 33A to be quite decent actually. It has good damage, has surprisingly long range, catches step well and knocksdown. It's not safe but at least it deals some pushback. With orb this move is quite good, without it's pretty decent but situational.

4K... looks flashy? It's i16, -10 on block and +2 on hit, doesn't have much range and hits high. Nothing to write home about except for the fact that it hits them a little bit away from you. Possibly a decent gtfo move?
I still feel like the most bang for my buck (since I can actually do it consistently) is 6AB, B+K BE, 6[A+B], 2B+K BE, AAB, 2A+B, 2B+K BE, AAB, 66B, 66A+BB. Damage up to 178 if you get the 6[A+B] to connect after the ground bounce.

Oh yeah, and I'm trying to get an idea of what's considered her most useless moves. Just for the hell of it. So far I know A+B is filler. How about 33AB? I never see it used either. Same with 4K. She seems to have quite a few moves that are easily forgotten due to uselessness.
I tend to use 33AB often against opponents who step constantly, and like Ikuwayo said, it has decent damage. Especially ORB 33AB. I rarely use it without the orb because the distance is a little shorter than I'd like it to be during a match.

Does anyone really use 33K? I usually use it in place of 8A+B (For people who like to attack first) in the start of the match. But mostly, I use it to jump over the opponents defeated character. X)

I think 22AB is pretty good. You can recall the orb for a surprise attack of some sort. Along with 3A, it's pretty good with people who love stepping.
I tend to use 33AB often against opponents who step constantly, and like Ikuwayo said, it has decent damage. Especially ORB 33AB. I rarely use it without the orb because the distance is a little shorter than I'd like it to be during a match.

Does anyone really use 33K? I usually use it in place of 8A+B (For people who like to attack first) in the start of the match. But mostly, I use it to jump over the opponents defeated character. X)

I think 22AB is pretty good. You can recall the orb for a surprise attack of some sort. Along with 3A, it's pretty good with people who love stepping.

I'm still liking 22A+B more for catching step at that range if I see it coming. It's safe and ORB 22A+B leads to 66A+BB for huge damage. SET 22A+B leads to 2B+K BE (Though there's some situations where this is techable, that I haven't completed looking into. Largely cause it's not teched often enough that I care, yet. :P)
I'm still liking 22A+B more for catching step at that range if I see it coming. It's safe and ORB 22A+B leads to 66A+BB for huge damage. SET 22A+B leads to 2B+K BE (Though there's some situations where this is techable, that I haven't completed looking into. Largely cause it's not teched often enough that I care, yet. :P)
I also use that too. Lol Well, it mainly depends on if I remember I have that move or not. Haha.
If you want to extend the combo further:

6A+B 2B+K BE AAB 2A+B 2B+K BE AAB Ender, etc.

launcher AAB then...
6A+B(slight hold) 2B+K BE AAB 6A+B(slight hold) 2B+K BE AAB Ender, etc.

Does more damage and has more push back than the combo that you posted.

I can keep doing the 6A+B(slight hold), 2B+K BE loop as long as I have meter. So like you said, 6A+B(slight hold) for a ground stun is the exception to the rule "you can't use the same move in a row to ground stun"

So my question is, when you are not by a corner, why do 2A+B for the second part of your combo instead of 6A+B(slight hold)?

EDIT: Wow, after doing some testing on Pyrrha in vs mode, AA drops her to the group real fast and I can't combo her any more after: launcher AAB then...
6A+B(slight hold) 2B+K BE AAB 6A+B(slight hold)/2A+B 2B+K BE.. This doesn't happen in practice mode. What's the deal with that?
launcher AAB then...

6A+B(slight hold) 2B+K BE AAB 6A+B(slight hold) 2B+K BE AAB Ender, etc.

Does more damage and has more push back than the combo that you posted.

I can keep doing the 6A+B(slight hold), 2B+K BE loop as long as I have meter. So like you said, 6A+B(slight hold) for a ground stun is the exception to the rule "you can't use the same move in a row to ground stun"

So my question is, when you are not by a corner, why do 2A+B for the second part of your combo instead of 6A+B(slight hold)?

Ease of use, and oki options if you don't 2B+K BE afterwards. If you consistently 6A+B stun, then you may as well just do that until you need to end it.
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Hi, viola forum! I was wondering how I should go about actually starting my offense. I usually depend on sidestepping and punishing a whiffed B with the launcher but that doesn't work too well when the character is is throwing out tracking moves.
So. just trying to clear some stuff up.... (im picking up viola for the first time since 2 weeks into the game lol)
((6A+B > 2B+K BE > aab >))) rinse and repeat is the best damaging jugle combo filler? i should go for that? cuz ive just been doing 2A+B, oki w.o bar and picking em back up with bar then, after aab, going forr 66b 66A+BB

also, is there a reason no one has gauge damage page set up? any trickery pressure set ups anyone wana hand out? ive been copying the computers 2A+B groundstun 6B+K 1k CE stunt cuz its awsome.... but her CE is just..... meh.... i dont enjoy spending a whole bar on it....
So. just trying to clear some stuff up.... (im picking up viola for the first time since 2 weeks into the game lol)
((6A+B > 2B+K BE > aab >))) rinse and repeat is the best damaging jugle combo filler? i should go for that? cuz ive just been doing 2A+B, oki w.o bar and picking em back up with bar then, after aab, going forr 66b 66A+BB

also, is there a reason no one has gauge damage page set up? any trickery pressure set ups anyone wana hand out? ive been copying the computers 2A+B groundstun 6B+K 1k CE stunt cuz its awsome.... but her CE is just..... meh.... i dont enjoy spending a whole bar on it....
The best bang for your buck is 6AB, B+K BE, 6[A+B], 2 B+K BE, AAB, 2A+B, 2B+K BE, AAB, 66B, 66A+BB. Yeah, it takes a meter and a half. But you gain enough meter doing it that you only need a little over a meter to start. That 6A+B, 2B+K BE, B+K, 6A+B loop doesn't do enough damage considering the meter spent. But getting it down doesn't hurt. It's a good exercise in timing and orb play.
Is it me, or am I seeing a bunch of Viola users lately? Before the patch it would be rare to see a Viola user, now its like every one users her. Wtf. >:(
Most people use Viola to mock me. They either use nothing more than BBB for the whole match or spam 6B+K with 1K. It's annoying.
Most people use Viola to mock me. They either use nothing more than BBB for the whole match or spam 6B+K with 1K. It's annoying.
They're not mocking you. They're just taking advantage of your lack of knowledge or lack of good habits. When you see 6B+K - attack! Unless they block instead of 1k you should have enough time to interrupt the combo. And if BBB is working against you that well, you need to learn to Quick-step and punish. Or, wait for the orb to recall and TC under it.
They're not mocking you. They're just taking advantage of your lack of knowledge or lack of good habits. When you see 6B+K - attack! Unless they block instead of 1k you should have enough time to interrupt the combo. And if BBB is working against you that well, you need to learn to Quick-step and punish. Or, wait for the orb to recall and TC under it.
I never said that it works against me. I easily beat them. They just do it to annoy me and be satirical. I'm just putting it out their that I've met people who do this sort of thing.
Is it me, or am I seeing a bunch of Viola users lately? Before the patch it would be rare to see a Viola user, now its like every one users her. Wtf. >:(
I hope it never gets like that with zwei :/ I want him to stay under played!
Viola forums are just confusing the hell outa me, so sorry. I cant get 6A+B (hold) 2B+K be to combo..... and i dont know what I'm supose to go for after 3B..... mostly just doing aab 2A+B 2b+K be aab 66b 66A+BB since i can do it, and its not confusing :P
So I've noticed that at full screen range, looping 6b+k 2b+k is a great way to annoy the loving daylights out of your opponent and in good cases tricks them into running at you carelessly. But mostly I like that it annoys people
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