What is lacking

that's why sophitia was a top tier while cassandra wasn't more than high, pyrrha is also considered to be a "high" tier, i'm complaining about how sophitia's style was nerfed (for me) and divided! I don't want two pyrrhas, I want an elysium playing just like sophitia, why didn't they give pyrrha cassandra's style? -.- ugh
Well things change and you'll have to adjust. Enjoy actually taking risks and playing the game.
I always fail with pyrrha omega and I (almost) always win with pyrrha, the problem is that, as I said, I don't like playing pyrrha lol
Yes, that's why I started to play sophitia since I met Soul Calibur, I guess it's not the same for you... i'm not a 1-styler though, I know almost every style from scv since the game became easier to play
My very firts thread, more than 40 replys, but most off topic, some flames , someone may be is hating me(sorry) and now discussion about how hot is Sophie(very) i call it a big sucess XD
I main Sieg because everyone else to me on SCV is boring to play. I only play the character if I think the moveset is fun. I sub Pyrrha becasue she's a little fun to be too. Everyone else is boring as hell to me. I just learn the MUs from experience. Gotta love those casual sessions. xD
I genuinely have no idea if this is sarcastic or serious.
100% serious.
Doing so would weed out the whiney fanboys/fangirls and do the series a service to the hardcore players. On the flipside we are the minority, however 3 years after release, we're the ones who still play and love it.
I find siegfriend very boring to play, it's about what you like, or in my case, who you like the most. I play VERY good with elysium while she mimics pyrrha omega, i don't know if it's because i feel 'inspired' or if it's because she's easier to use since it's her original style.
Siegfried is one of the few styles I still need to learn~*~
Silly you guys there nothing more fun tha a hulla hup in a pysicho hands U.U
I don't like long swords/staffs or whatever, the only "slow" character I use is Ezio (if he can be considered slow), I don't like ZWEI as well, I feel them as mostly follow-up characters
and I know maxi and bleh, he bores me as well, actually the only males I use are patroklos (both), raphael and ezio, probably the most girly of them all

and pyrrha omega is very very VERY fun to play, I LOVE how people panic after I use the :1::1::A::(A): lolol
I like playing fundamental characters because it shows that I'm truly better than my opponent. Not to mention fundamentals are EVERYTHING! READS are EVERYTHING! xD
if you I would want to feel better than my opponent I would use alpha patroklos, it's very impressive to see a good alpha, everyone seems to be low-skilled these days (the mitsurugi stuff yea)