What SC Character You Had The Hots For

I never really cared for any of the females in SC untill 4 .. so before then i'd have to say SC2 Nightmare was the most "attractive" O_o . . . Then Hilde came along ... and now there is Pyrrha who they have been marketing as the "moe" of Soul Calibur which I find amusing so... Pyrrha and Hilde are my <3.
Not to mention she has the best fighting pose in the game. *Jump Jump Jump Jumpity Jump*

*Jump Jump Jump FLASH KNICKERS Jumpity Jump*

However as hot as that was, I still think Yun-Seong had the best pose in Soul Calibur II. *Swings sword, jump and land with legs split* I say thats the best pose because I fantastised about Voldo watching that and having a heart attack. ........ Oh yeah, Voldo's blind.
Need I say more?
Lizardman. He was pretty hot until 4... then he became average. In 5 he's bordering fugly but still hot in that "omg he's scary - he could do terrible thing to me... hehe" way. o3o
Lizardman. He was pretty hot until 4... then he became average. In 5 he's bordering fugly but still hot in that "omg he's scary - he could do terrible things to me... hehe" way. o3o
That's when you pull a Meg on him right? I'd link a clip of Meg seducing some burglars but youtube doesn't have it. ^3^
Well my crushes.

My first crush was Cassie because a screen shot of her was what made me buy Soul Calibur 2.

Next I found myself interested in either Xiangua or Talim and well, Talim won that match up through her cuteness..

I can say I never felt attracted to her, until I started dressing her up in Soul Calibur 4, but to be honest she will always be my cute little wind priestess :P
Well i got into SC cuz of Link :sc2lnk1:in 2 but i stayed in cuz of Sophie :sc4sop1: and Cassy :sc2cas2: (Insert early adolescent fantasies here) and now that there both gone im diggin Pyrrha and Viola. i want to give pyrrha a giant hug and viola has those mystery chick vibes everywhere. :sc5pyr1:+:sc5vio1:= <3