Why did you choose this character 2B your main?

Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Well, I started in SC1 when I didn't had any idea what SC was or that it was the sequel to crappy Soul Edge. I was a HUGE KOF/SamSho head at the time but SC1 at the arcades caught my attention.

Well, since I always play ninjas and there was no iaido characters I started with Taki and Taki only. Then Yoshimitsu came out on time release, he also was a ninja and looked like a vejigante so I dropped Taki and mained Yoshimitsu all the way till Rock and Mina came out on time release.

Since I spent a lot of time at the arcades around that time, I decided to learn all the characters. That's where I took a liking to Hwang, Ivy and others. Hwang and Yoshimitsu turned out to be my mains in SC1 with Ivy, Mina and Rock as secondaries.

Around SC2 time, I loved Raphael's design and since there was no Yoshi released, I tried to learn him amidst the armies of Ivy, Nightmare and Mitsurugis. I loved SC2 Ivy as well but since so many people used her, that turned me off. So I used Raphael, till Yoshi was time released. Then it was Yoshi only till the game hit console where I used Raphael and Mina along with Yoshi.

In came SC3 console which sucked ass but it brought Setsuka which has everything I love in a character along with Zasalamel, Amy, Tira. Then AE came and I was hooked on SC3 but only for AE. I always use the black guys in all fighters. Zasalamel is no exception and he's fucking awesome so in AE it was Setsuka and Zasalamel my mains with some Li Long, Amy and Raphael on the side. This game was the first SC also that I didn't play Yoshi either as a main or secondary. For some reason, I just didn't like him in this game or I was burned out of playing him for so many years.

SC4 comes, ENTER ALGOL. The most awesome SC character ever besides Setsuka. Also Ivy's gameplay hooked me up real tight in this one as well. I like a lot of characters in this game but I must say that Setsuka (forever and ever) and Algol are the most likeable for me and Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Zasalamel and others are all playable and likable for me. I like this game a lot but it could be more than what it currently is.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Back in soul calibur 1 on the damn dreamcast. I had an infatuation with bruce lee (non-homo). So I was instantly drawn to maxi. I played around with other characters but nobody flowed as well as maxi did for me. I guess it was more the whole look a feel of maxi that gave some weird infatuation.

Bad part is, and I didnt realize it till recently. I was so die hard maxi that I didnt really learn to play anyone else as good. I did some kilik in SC2 but by then it was too late. I had put so much time and effort into maxi that I kept my focus on him.

In SC2 I only had 1 friend that I would play offline matches with and was totally ignorant to this whole competative thing. I didnt even think soulcalibur was even popular, much less anyone I knew ever heard of it. I had it in my head that I was as good as I was gonna get with maxi and there was nothing more I could learn. And if I ran into someone that had actually heard of soulcalibur, I would give them the beating of a lifetime.

I was totally happy that SC4 would be online and I would have a chance to beat the crap out of people other than my 1 buddy (your the best mitsu to me billy!!) I hop online and have the time of my life. After a few weeks of getting used to the new maxi, I was raping in the ranked matches and it was like fuckin heroin for me. Up all fuckin night, not going to work just I can stay home and play (im the boss, so i can do that if I want....hahahaha). Then I go to my 1st tourney and I get my ass handed to me and I get humiliated beyond all belief. It was a very humbling experience. Then come to figure out that maxi is considered "low-tier" and that Im wasting my time playing him......BLAH BLAH FUCKIN BLAH!!!!

Im a very fast paced person. Im always in a hurry with almost everything I do. My wife hates it when "im in a hurry" *wink wink* so maxi being the fast paced fucker that he is was a natural selection for me. I became all about reading as much as I could on maxis story, where he came from, and his made up life. I almost chose taki cause of he whole ninja thing. But when I looked at her I didnt see "ninja". I saw something different.

Thanx for reading

Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Sophitia: I started practicing with her on SCII since I felt that speed and agility is more important to me than being powerful but slow. Now, in SCIV, I'm glad that I still stuck with her (her A+B parry is awesome)... and to boot, she's a MILF... what more could I have asked for XD.
Voldo: Similar to Sophitia, I also started playing him because of his deceptive moves, speed, and agility. In SCIV, he's basically a force to be reckoned with... and to top it off, his standing animation is a literal moonwalk (the first CAS I made was Michael Jackson - Thriller Version o_0)
Yoshimitsu: I didn't start playing as Yoshi until SCIII, since at first, I felt that his fighting style was too complicated for me... now in SCIV, I wish that I started maining him sooner... speed, power, ass loads of unblockables, and the ability to regenerate health.... Daaayyuumm! O.O
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I played Kilik in 2, with ivy as secondary.

Didn't play 3 and when 4 hit I stuck (after a short while) with Siegfried, because my buddy used to whoop my ass in SC2 with NM. And, as the other guy said, I had to compensate for having a small penis.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

this is the first SC game i've played

-mained zas first. all the pulling and grabbin= awesome. 44B+K a UB mid with range that tracks. then they patched him and i lost interest.

-then ivy b/c she can do lots of cool shit
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

My first main in SCIV was Talim. At the time I loved speedy charactes, and I loved the confusing jumps and leaps she could do. I was a noob back then though, so I was only button bashing. xD

When I got a bit better at Soul Calibur and got the hang of the controls, my main became Yun-Seong. I only knew his basic moves, but I loved them. Especially 33B 8KK.

Over time I got bored of Yun-Seong, realizing I was hopeless at it. Looking at my win and lose rate on Random Online Matches, I decided to stop getting my arse whooped and learn how to play the game properly.

I picked up my controller and flicked through the different characters, testing them out in practice. I picked out Amy and gave her a shot, and found that she was the easiest for me to use. Then I looked round the internet looking for combos and I soon found this site. Learning some combos I decided to go online and I soon noticed I was getting better. =D

And I soon picked Sophitia as my main because shes just cool. And easy to learn. =]
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Raphael is my main because I am a fencer, thus he's really the only character in the game I can relate to on a combat level.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I chose Setsuka because she looked so badass in Soul Calibur 3, what with the glamorous geisha get-up. Now that I think about it, I always try to stick to the rich looking glam characters to play with and any fighter, Rose reminds me a lot of Setsuka's SC3 days.

In Soul Calibur 4, her look changed, which I was extremely disappointed in because her hairstyle was to die for in SCIII. However, I think I have some sort of sick fetish for umbrellas, but simply from those umbrella attacks, I had to keep playing with her. I honestly think if she didn't have the umbrella sheath, I would not be using her.

Also from the fact that she's so difficult to master, that really stuck her to me, and how she's very under used online.

Setsuka FTW
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

cass - fun & brutal, irritating and has a lethal ass
xianghua - she can slap her ass , prod people and lie on the floor crying
seong mi-na - she looks good with a spear and 1B+K ringouts
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Yoshimitsu, because I've always used him in Tekken.

Edit: Vague reason ^ He's just goofy, and requires a lot of timing. Also, extremely versatile.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Not going to bother typing a blog about my life playing SC, lulz.

Why is Tira my main in SCIV?

Mostly because I like her character and new design. Her SCIV gameplay concept reminded me of ABA, who I played in GGXX^C. That made me like her even more (even though the concept was executed much poorer in comparison to GG's ABA). Granted, I've been playing Tira since her debut in SCIII (same applies to my secondary, Setsuka) but she wasn't so much my primary character in III as much as she is in IV.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Basicly i choose astaroth ive always liked him from the old game i love to be a stright fuckin pwoer house and just crush you with so much overwhelming damg i like to crush your skull in insted nick picking at you for 80 secs id rather just watch bleed from all pores at onces hahahahahaha
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

yoshi because he s crazy and cool and i played with him in tekken. whats better than kickin ass and having a fun time doing it?.....ok lots of things, but u get my point. =p
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

My first experience with Soul Calibur was playing SC2 with a few friends. Out of all the characters, I chose Raph first because I thought he was the most interesting. I have to admit I didn't know what I was doing but hey, it was my first time and I wasn't familiar with the Gamecube at all. I ended up using BB a lot but overall I pretty much just his look and feel of his design. They decided to ban me from using him as well since I was owning them so bad, haha.
When SC3 came along, I liked SC2 so much I decided to buy it for the PS2, something I was more familiar with. I pretty much played it as a hobby and didn't get too deep into it but of course, I looked for Raph.
And here I am with Raphael as my main in SC4. Even though hes changed I still think hes great.
You gotta love his attitude as well, lol... "How Pathetic!"
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

SC2:NM was my main bc he was freakin' bada55. 'nuff said.

SC3:Yun became my all-time main bc his moves are kinda flashy, and he wasn't that hard to use imo. Then I switched to Zas for a lil while bc I felt all warm inside landing a rising B on my opponents. I still used NM a lil bit here and there as my scrub killer.

SC4:I started out with Yun again, got p1553d off bc they changed him, then got even more p1553d bc they changed the sh1t outta Zas too. So I started using NM as my main, and realized I needed some new strats. So after playing for a while, Yun is still my main, Zas is my secondary, and NM only comes out once in a while to beat on scrubs.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I played Soul Blade against CPU in the arcade a few times, and I always picked Taki. I had no idea what I was doing, but hey, she's a ninja!

When I started playing SC on DreamCast in college, I picked up Kilik. I've always had a thing for staffs as weapons - Donatello's my favorite turtle for this reason. They're something satisfying about using a blunt "non-lethal" weapon to kick someone's ass, especially when your opponent is using razor-sharp blades. Idon't really recall why, but I dropped Kilik for Taki. Maybe I had memories of SB Taki, or maybe I was just once again drawn to the quick ninja. I quickly fell in love with her speed. It doesn't matter what game I'm playing, whether it's an RPG, an FPS, or whatever. I always like the light and fast characters. I play Scout in TF2; I like to play the thief archetype in RPGs, etc.

We played a LOT of SC on DC back then. Eventually I graduated, people moved on, and I kinda just sat around through SC2 and 3. I didn't really get a chance to play them much at all. I had SC3 on GameCube, but no local comp.

Once SC4 came around, I got in touch with one of the guys I used to play with years ago, and we both got back into the swing of things. We found another few people of a similar skill level, and have been playing (online) for months now. I still value Taki's quickness. Her A beats out basically everything, and I can interrupt strings that others can't. She has serious issues with range, her wake-up game sucks, you can get punished pretty badly if you make a bad possession mistake, etc. She has her weaknesses, to be sure. But I always come back to her for the unmatched speed; you can apply some incredible pressure to your opponents.

Liking Taki's speed, but looking for a little more complexity, I started messing around with Maxi. Turns out he's not nearly as fast as he looks, with some big gaping holes in his strings. It looks pretty cool when he's doing his thang, but he's not nearly as safe as I thought he was when I was on the receiving end of his attacks. Plus, he's got strings that simply don't work very well - If the first part of a string hits or is blocked, it pushes them far enough away that the second hit whiffs. What is that?!

So I went to Talim; she seemed pretty similar to Taki: fast, short-range, and ninja-like with her evasive leaps back and forth. Unfortunately, I quickly grew frustrated with the fact that I was always getting hit out of her leaps. Simple 3Bs would decimate me anytime I tried one; they're slow enough that they can be counterhit on reaction =/

Unwilling to give up the speed, but wanting to finally get some range in a character, I turned to Raphael. That was only two days ago, so I haven't really formed too much of an opinion on the guy yet. He's obviously linear as all hell, which is a liability, but he's got what seems to be an unprecedented blend of speed and range. I don't know anyone else who has several options to hit at 4-6 character lengths in as few frames as he can. Some of his moves have the evasive properties that I so strongly crave, but they're not really a core part of his game, as far as I can tell. That may end up turning me off to him.

I suspect Voldo is next, as everyone tells me he's got the evasive properties I so desperately want to find in a character.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I first saw Raph is SC2 arcade, feel in love with the fencing style. Later on I picked up Talim as well.
SC3 console, mostly just Raph, and Amy though she was not a complete character.
SC4, Amy becomes a real character, got excited, first character to unlock and never looked back since. Tried to relearn Talim but I dislike her SC4 style. Didn't bother with Raph since Amy plays more like SC2 Raph than he does, plus I like Amy as a character.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Ivy has been my main since SCII. I recall the days of busting my ass to practice different pokes I could use to get off SS/CS. When I picked up SCIV, I was surprised at how much more narrow the window was (I use the D-pad =3), and I almost gave up and changed my main. But through perserverance, I was able to get her dreaded command throws down. That, and the fact that her stance get more and more ridiculous every game. A handful of moves felt familiar, and obviously the style, but I almost felt as if I was learning a new character. That being said, she is still, hands down, my favorite character in the game.

Yoshimitsu has been one of my favorite characters in any game since the first Tekken, and he was the shiiiiiittt in SCII. I was impressed in seeing the new stances. And I personally have an infatuation with complicated moves/combos (this is a heavy basis of the characters I choose), so I just haaaddd to get iMCF down.

CH iMCF, 88/22B, 3A:B, aB+K, 66B

I love it.

I began playing Tira because I hadn't seen many Tira players online, and I found that many people would easily fall for some of her basic combos (JS 6A:B, GS 6B:K). When that all stopped working, I really got into her whole counter system and bob frame combos. GS 44444A is the shit.

My how things changed. I recently swapped Tira for Setsuka.

I actually began using Setsy before I picked up Tira, but was disappointed that I couldn't pull off her JFs. Now that I have more experience in the game, and better timing, I've been practicing my ass off.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Kilik because he fits my defensive needs :)

I like picking characters that have all the tools to win, but are not necessarily overpowered (Ryu, Nina, etc.). If they happen to be overpowered in certain games...can't say I'm a tier whore :p
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

My turn !!

I played Soul Blade on PSOne, and loved it at the time. I played Mitsurugi, always ! He felt to me like the SF2 Ryu of Soul Series. Then time passed, and I got pretty late after it was out a chance to play SC2 on Gamecube. Mitsurugi was still my main, very fast, safe and powerful. I also got a chance to try others, and happened to like Cass, Yoshi, Yun, Mina... The game was very different from what we know in SC4 : everything was based on being at the right place at the right moment, 8WR was so fast ! Completely different game. I played vs. CPU (got everything in story mode), and vs. my brother and another friend. I knew nothing really, (frame data? punishment, didn't even know about soph/cass 236B!)

Now on to SC4. This is where I started to learn the game. Bought a PS3 just for it, and started to play without really knowing what I was doing. Picked Mitsurugi, did a few games on arcade and story mode. Didn't manage to win vs. CPU like in SC2. Oh well, lets try online ! So I tried ranked. Lost 10 matches, and won one by luck more than anything else. I felt very challenged by all this. Went to see some videos on Youtube, and remembered a comment about SC2 : It's impossible for Nightmare to win vs. a good Sophitia. OK lets pick up Sophitia then !

After that I felt limited again, needed to try other characters. Played Sophitia in a very scrubby way (1AA, BB..) Taki (without PO, didn't know about it), and Yoshimitsu (CH bA happened a lot by accident). But I still sucked, and felt I needed to learn the game because it was frustrating.

Bought a STICK ! A Hori FS3 at the local video game shop. Changed everything, I won a match and ranked level 30 without knowing more, just better control of where I am. This is where I started to go on forums (soulcalibur.com and 8wr) to learn about the game. I picked up Amy, stopped using Taki... Got some more interesting matches by the day, using Sophie/Yoshi/Amy.

Tried to play Setsuka recently because she's so cool and flashy (and hot ^^), but it's not a success, umbrella is hella hard for me. Also picked up Lizardman because he's fun and pretty basic - 66A my friends ! And Kilik because Asura is awesome.

Lobo's tutorial on "spam cass" made me laugh a lot and I tried it out. Now i'm using Cass !! She's cool !!

Now I feel my level has changed a lot, I can basically trash most players in PSN top100 ranked, and I should really get to the next level by finding some real comp offline. I'll probably have a hard time but hey that's cool ! Have to find better tactics too, because that 11AA / 11A[A] mixup can't work without lag ^^