Why did you choose this character 2B your main?

Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I started out with Raphael in Soul Calibur 2, the game to which I owe my love of fighting games. I wasn't nearly interested in competition and played Raph because he looked cool, acted cool, and fought cool.

I picked up Tira in Soul Calibur III because she was new and hot and fun to play. I dropped Raph completely because the slight changes in his style felt awkward to me. I still wasn't playing competitively, but I learned notation for the purposes of understanding the stray combos people would occasionally post on GameFAQs. I toyed with Xianghua for a while because I'd heard she was "top-tier", which I assumed meant "really good", but ended up going back to Tira because I had more fun playing as her.

Then, in Soulcalibur IV, I found Tira awkward to play as and picked up Seong Mi-Na. (Naively, immediately after release I believed that Mi-Na was a superior character overall.) Mi-Na's blocktrapping and zoning/ranged style appeals to me very much; it's a crying shame she's so bad. I'm trying to play competitively now and have been since release.

It seems, though, upon reflection, that I am doomed to remain a bottom-tier man for life.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I used to play A lot of Sophi in SC1, but she wasn't in the arcade version of SC2. When the home version came out early on cube and tournaments were starting up, Sophi and Mina were banned for a little while. I was still a real scrub at the time and thought Cass had a few similar things to Sophi, so I moved to her. Had to stick w/her for a while till the ban was lifted on Sophi. Since then, just sort of stuck w/her. Didn't really know if she could be good, but then this guy Mick was wrecking people with her, which gave me hope that she could be a competitor. Of course, I never came close to the player ability of Mick, but it still made me stick w/her.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I like smashing!

Smashing and making people scream is fun

no one smashes better then asta!
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

He's easy to use. Safe and top tier. Although bieng a casual player and tbh never even searching up SCIV online I didn't know anything about that. I just tried him cause i realised i failed at the game and thought why not. I started getting alot better with him then i even realised i could do a combo lol. Know its pretty much cause he's just overall a solid char and none of his combos are particularly hard to do.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I started with mitsurugi in Soul Blade, yes, that old game from way back in time. but after some time, I figured I liked Siegfrieds fighting style alot more. And the games inbetween I barely played, because I never bought them. So eventually sc4 came out. And ofcourse Siegfried was playable. And after seeing some moves from the old siegfried, I fell in love again... wel not really, but I like siegfrieds fighting style.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I started with Mitsurugi way back in Soul Edge from the arcades due to my love for samurai and stuck with him ever since because he continues to be one of the game's most solid and hardcore characters.:sc2mit3:
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

titties.........its was the titties....
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

i chose Kilik becuz i hav used him since sc2. and i try to convince myself to branch out but i always come running bak 2 Kilik
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I started with Soul Blade/Edge on the playstation. I liked Mitsu and Mina because of their traditional styles. I also liked using Sigfried a lot. But, I've always liked villians so when I unlocked Cervy it was a wrap. Me, my brother, cousin and a few friends played it for a couple of months, but we were terrible at the game lol. Critical Edge for the win!

In SC for the dreamcast, I stuck with Cervy as my best and main, but branched off to learn others. Asta, because I liked beating people with the big slow guy. Ivy, because her weapon was sick. Nightmare, because of his nice design and style/stances. Yoshi, I just always liked him even tho I didn't like Tekken. I spent way too much time playing against the cpu, since nobody else liked the game.

Jump to SC2. So many characters and so much time. Cervy was still number 1, but I was loving the improved Nightmare, Ivy and Asta. Spawn and Necrid were fuckin sweet, and I was pretty decent with them both. I had my brother and our roommate for serious comp (at least in my mind lol). My roommate made me loathe X and the sisters to this very day. And my brother prepared me for the future onslaught of a million Kiliks and Raphs.

Only played SC3 few times since I owned an xbox. Since I was working in a helpdesk, however, I started watching a ton of match vids. I was watching a lot of Jaxel's videos and didn't realize there was a competitive scene for the game, let alone the series. From watching, I still loved Cervy, but started liking Zas, Sig, the new Nightmare, Tira, and Lynette.

Now in SC4 you can guess my main. I picked up Zas pretty quickly as a second, but he's not as good as he seemed in SC3. I still like him tho. I'm adjusting to the new Nightmare style and even tho Sig plays like the old NM, I don't like him in this one. I like Yoshi a lot, but don't have the time to really learn him the way I want. I tried Amy, and I do ok with her, but I'm to used to a straight forward and more deliberate style. I do like Hilde as a new character. She fits into the way that I play, and I now have an answer for the high tiers lol.

Algol, Yoda and the sisters can kiss my ass.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I play Taki since Soul Edge. I chose her because i like ninjas although i played it very rarely and lost a lot to my friend who owned the game. I liked Cervy too because as i am a fan of Drizzt i liked to play with 2 swords. (Taki had only Rekki-Maru in SE.)

I stick with Taki ever since.

In SC4 i added Mitsu since my best friend who mained him stopped playing altogether after SC2 and i thought someone has to play Mitsu.

Lizardman is my third main because i like his animal behaviour(Nothing better than biting your opponent in the head) and he is very simple to play. Which is good after the intricacy of Taki.

I always liked Asty too because pushing people around with him is real fun, and he scares the shit out of people, especially with the huge Hammer. Lately i started playing Yoshi and Voldo too because of how freaky they are.

But through the whole franchise i like Taki more and more because she gets ever more stylish. And she has two swords now which is good too.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I've been playing this game for about a year and I still haven't got a main. :)
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Yoshimitsu - Very fun character to play as, seeing as most people don't know what you're going to do next, because he has incredible switch-ups.

Voldo - Very unpredictable fighter.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I picked sophie bucase
2.she has a shield
3.she has been in the game since day 1
And i like her story shes a warrior that was sent on a quest by god and has to do what she has to do to save her kids.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Profile says it all
Namu from SC Yoshimitsu
Skull From tekken one Yoshimitsu
But I play everyone else from time to time.
Still looking for a secondary and tertiary.
Until then, Namu Namu Namu
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

I picked the characters I use simply because I thought they would be nice characters for me to use at the time.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Because she's fucking cool and emo ---------and short - plus I wanted to play with her in 3 until I found out she had a create a characters fighting style. Amy was also the first person I picked when I got the game, made a full circles with all the characters then came back.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

Because Talim has been my main since 2 and 3 when I was a scrub. Simple. She's weak, but I can beat the hell out of you with her.
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

maxi because his hair is hot

oh and i like offence
Why did you choose this character 2B your main

i used to play with 5 different characters to try to match different character types; yoshi, maxi, sophie, nightmare, and yun-seong... as i got better with yoshi, i realized that i could adapt him to fight against the types of players i'd choose other characters to fight against with.
so i dropped the rest and mastered yoshi. :d