Why does it say I have 0 bars?


[14] Master
Sometimes when I get on SCV it will say everyone has a 0 bar with me despite having 4/5 bars with everyone a few hours before. Even when I play someone I know has a good connection when it says 0 bars there isn't any lag on either side. So why does it say 0 bars even if it's truly a 5 bar?

EDIT: Forgot to mention, when I play SCV online everything else in the house that uses internet gets turned off and I use a wired connection.
Don't know, but I get the same thing.

I always get 0bars with everybody irrespective of where they are... Meh, keeps scrubs out of my rooms, lol.
Far as I know zero ping is an error where the game can't read the ping. So its not an indication of how laggy someone is, although they are probably likely to lag if they have a 0 ping problems.

Dunno what causes it. Maybe ISP specific.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, when I play SCV online everything else in the house that uses internet gets turned off and I use a wired connection.
the only thing I can think of is that your NAT type ain't straight and your ports are closed.

Is your system in a DMZ? the router's DMZ is the perfect place for consoles...
It's a ping bug. I have the same problem. It means something is wrong with your NAT and you will have trouble playing some people (usually when you try to enter their room it says "unable to find room" or something, as if it didn't exist)
It's a ping bug. I have the same problem. It means something is wrong with your NAT and you will have trouble playing some people (usually when you try to enter their room it says "unable to find room" or something, as if it didn't exist)
Yeah, I tried to fight Syn today and we couldn't get in each other's rooms. We both tried hosting to no avail. The only way I know to fix it temporarily is to reset my router... They need to patch in a fix for that crap along with whatever balance changes they do.
the only thing I can think of is that your NAT type ain't straight and your ports are closed.

Is your system in a DMZ? the router's DMZ is the perfect place for consoles...
I set it to DMZ my Xbox and now I actually get bars. Thanks for letting me know about that option.
Yeah in some cases I get the same problem. Thanks to this thread I now know that whenever an opponent doesn't have ping it means their NAT is incompatible with mine.

For those wondering, my NAT has been Moderate for a while now and resetting it doesn't do jack-shit. Fucking Time Warner.
You are all idiots. Well, some of you are. 0Bars is caused by the router. I have a netgear router, causes 0 bars, I switch to another router or just plug straight into the modem and bam, connection is there. 0bars has NOTHING to do with connection. If you can't connect to someone thats because of your internet. Routers are the cause of this. Usually if there is a firewall built into it. Netgear is my router that causes this problem, haven't had a problem with other brands. Why do I have many routers around? Because neygear works the best and hides connections so I have to switch out if I want to play ranked matches or get tired of people kicking me because of my 0 bar and saying its because I lag, I go back in and be like BITCH WHAT NOW?! YOU DIED YOU SUCK!
0 bars is a 90/10 chance for me. 90 being that it's a perfect connection and 10 being that it does lag.