Zas Videos

Zas videos....

Here's what I suggest Omnis. I assume some things are online's fault.

-Like Freaky said don't do pimphand at adv on block. It's a waste.
-Buffer your 8WR moves earlier. Your 66A+Bs came out late.
-If you have the mental adv as Zas keep it! Don't let go of pressure.
-At range try 44A and 4A while they're stepping. 6AB is nice but has less range.
-Anti-Vader: Duck 1BA and take your free WS B. Step more. Some of Vader's better horis only catch one side. Iirc his fastest move is i15 and NCC so you can play a little more risky with little fear.
Zas videos....

Thanks for the feedback guys. Tofu, I know how frames work. I made a few mistakes frame wise i realize that. But i'm not new to zas. Been maining him since the game out. I just need to make up for my time not playing SC4. Thanks anyway tho tofu ;]
Zas videos....

Vader's fastest move is i15 Miko? You mean his fastest horizontal I'm assuming? 1ba is i14, and I THINK he has an i13 K, but nonetheless......
Zas videos....

Some casuals franman and I played a couple weeks back. Found them on my HDD this afternoon and remembered that I'd been in the middle of editing them and forgot to upload.

Mina vs Zas is fun, but we're both new to it so obviously made mistakes.

Zas videos....

Some casuals franman and I played a couple weeks back. Found them on my HDD this afternoon and remembered that I'd been in the middle of editing them and forgot to upload.

Mina vs Zas is fun, but we're both new to it so obviously made mistakes.

Interesting watch.

Franman played kinda well though I would have liked to see him :6::A::B: you in more he rarely used it. Mina doesn't really like being at point blank range on -4 you just have to watch out for the Tech Crouch on her :6h::B: when you go for it, after you've been playing about with it for a bit you might even get Mina into the bad habit of ducking at long range too much to try and slide a cheeky :6h::B: or FC :1::B: under it. Then you can drag her in on -4 with :6h::B::B:

One of the most annoying things to get used to when playing Mina vs Zasalamel is that some of his draw moves have the annoying property of somehow posessing MORE range when he pulls them back towards him then they did when he threw them out in the first place although it seems physically impossible. Tons of moves do this but the notable examples are :1::A::B: and :6::A::B: which actually get quite a big range boost sometimes so don't think you can be safely out of range of the first move then hit him with something while he pulls his weapon back because he'll probably just pull you in on a Counter Hit and maybe even get some Free Just Frame Shenanigans out of it if it was one of the moves that link into them. I heard you complaining out loud when stuff like this happened and I must say you reminded me of myself. Is there a specific reason you were using :1::B::K: all the time and hardly ever other variants? I saw :1::B::B: and :1::B::A: once each but mainly it was just :1::B::K:
Zas videos....

The main factors are conditioning and punishment. Both 1bb and 1ba can be easily punished with a quick crouch into wrb, and 1bb can also be stepped and punished. While 1bk is not safe either, it's safer and conditions for times when I actually need the 1ba for damage or 1bb for space.
Zas videos....

The main factors are conditioning and punishment. Both 1bb and 1ba can be easily punished with a quick crouch into wrb, and 1bb can also be stepped and punished. While 1bk is not safe either, it's safer and conditions for times when I actually need the 1ba for damage or 1bb for space.

I know what you mean but you can just fuzzy guard the whole string anyway and still end up getting a punish off it, I tend to try and use :1::B: variants sparingly mostly just if I really need the backstep and can't find an opportunity to Counter Hit :4::B: because of how unsafe it is. Using a slightly less unsafe version many times and taking hits for it so you can one day get in a surprise more unsafe version seems a weird run of logic. Like constantly using :9::A:+:B: so you can sometimes land the guard break when they go to hit you out of the charge up for the umpteenth time...Whatever it's your call. :/
Zas videos....

See if you gonna use that costume I can't help you...You gotta pick is your gangster or is you a pimp...pick miko.
Zas videos....

That Zas has a pretty unique playing style. Almost no 4B+K, didn't use 4A+B as a follow up after 66B+K hit and used alot of A+K on wake up.

What really impressed me though was that Rock player's ability to GI most moves thrown at him
Zas videos....

Damn that match was sick. Definitely a different kind of Zas. I dunno how I feel about 6A+B{B} after 66B+K but it certainly was fun to watch. Great GI skills by both of them.
Note that after X's 11B, her animation to 2A or A can be interrupted. I think Zas' 3B can do that. When Zas is hit on 11B I think his KK is his only option for interrupting.
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