[New York City, NY] Afraid of a Little Fire????

^^ haven't tested that yet but got hit with it a few times in legend of the souls mode, so i think he does. But don't trust me too much on that - i was working off very little sleep
Hi, I'm to the community and I was wondering if any guys are hosting any sessions over week or weekend? I'm a real scrub and I need all the help I can get and I would appreciate if can attend your sessions.
Spreadin' the word:

So, here's the idea. Post your city and state in the thread or in a PM to me if you don't want to clutter things up, and I'll tag your location on the map in the url above. You can also include your contact at other places like SRK or dustloop or even reddit. I'll try to post this around in as many communities as possible. This way over time, you can visually see the entire community in your area.

I thought it would make more sense to post this in the match making forum, but it didn't make sense to only post it in only one sub region or every sub region, so I'll just leave this here, and let mods figure that one out.

Edit: I was going to personally post a link to this thread in all of the regional threads, because I know some players only watch those, but then I realized how many regions there are. Can you guys do me a favor and post this in your respective regions?
Hi, I'm to the community and I was wondering if any guys are hosting any sessions over week or weekend? I'm a real scrub and I need all the help I can get and I would appreciate if can attend your sessions.

That probably would work on some of our players too, haha. Welcome back man, good to see so many old faces poppin up again. SC5 so hype!
So Xiba has that GI at the beginning of his CE. Is that fair? With a half decent player, that's like saying Xiba gets a free CE connect. right? C'mon, who can't GI attack a strike? even if it doesn't GI, does he still execute the CE?

If the GI doesn't connect, the move still comes out. However it's still unsafe, and there is a window where attacks can hit him after the super flash, unlike some other supers. It's a good move, but not broken by any means, especially at the cost of a full meter.
Session my house this weekend either saturday or sunday whichever is good for you guys, just post up and let me know.
Lulz! The quick battle Ramon has "Matchless in Force" and is damn near maxed out in everything except horizontal movement. He uses Omega P. XD
@Fab, Saturday works for me however I am just getting into the game....But Im down for anything..Also, my psn is LSlick
I'm trying to hit some sessions up and get in on this game. Let me know you guys' availability. Was thinking of doing something myself but I only have one CRT at the moment.
As good as the online is, most of the time that im at home. Im jus doin lab work.
But, im always down to play after work (12 am =/)
Sunday actually isnt the best day either, cause those are the days I dedicate to Quick Steps. But how are people for late Friday/Saturday nights? Or maybe a monday afternoon/evening?