A message to 8wayrun:

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[10] Knight
Hey guys, Dave here,

Most of you probably know me as Fahros; "that guy" who posts regular live commentaries for Soul Calibur V videos on Youtube.

I feel like things have gotten a bit out of hand, concerning myself and 8way lately, and I wanted to not only apologize for some things, but clear a couple things up.

First things first: I am, and have always been, just a guy who likes Soul Calibur...That's it. I will openly say I don't think I'm a great player by any means; and I'm not trying to just seem modest in saying that. I don't put quite enough time in to the game to contend with exceptional players, this is a fact. Almost everything I do on Youtube, or on 8way, is for entertainment.

Youtube is what I've wanted to do since I was a kid. I remember thinking to myself back when I had first started playing MMO's that: "Man I wish I could make videos like THAT guy one day..." When Soul Calibur V came out I had a good amount of time on my hands, and I decided to try as hard as I could to make frequent entertaining content for Youtube. If nothing else, just to see how it would go. And for better or for worse, at that time on Youtube, I was really the only one doing it that much, and trying that hard with Soul Calibur videos.

I don't think that's the problem though. What the problem seems to be, is that despite me not being a truly exceptional player; I've put a lot of hard work in to my channel, and I've worked up quite the fanbase. This has put me on 8way's radar, and my actions have been heavily criticized as a result. Why I want to apologize is, that at this time, I feel I handled a couple things poorly:

- I never really introduced myself, I kind of just showed up...I can see how some of you who have been here forever, initially hearing about me, or seeing my videos, could have probably thought something along the lines of: "Who the HELL does this guy think he is, and why am I watching this!?" I can promise you I didn't have the experience to know how things were going to progress, or for one I would have made sure I made a better first impression.

- In the past, and especially lately, I've popped off at times. Sometimes justly, (considering the messages, and people I've ran in to) and sometimes admittedly unjustly. I have as of lately gotten wrapped up in a whole lot of hate, and a whole lot of drama that I handled really poorly, and never wanted to begin with. I apologize for this more than anything else. It started as I was still getting in tune with the increasing popularity of my channel, and I made a few wrong decisions concerning a few of the wrong people, and it spiraled a bit out of control from there. At this point it seems like I've pissed off people I don't even know, some of which who are known members of the 8wayrun community. I really don't like the thought of that, so I wanted to say right now, that I'm sorry for how some things have progressed. It was not my intent to become any sort of troll, or any sort of 8wayrun public image. I just wanted to play games, and make videos, that's it.


I will tell you this though: Once my Soul Calibur videos started taking off, I did try to do what I could for the community, not just for myself. Because I felt like I should: I was the guy who was getting some recognition for SC videos on Youtube, and I thought I could try and help out because of that. I tried to help organize the first online tournament, and I commentated a lot of the matches. Once I was partnered with Machinima, I fought like HELL trying to get prizes for a online tournament series for Soul Calibur. I tried to make frequent content creating interest around Soul Calibur, and to bring more people in to this community. I tried to remain positive, and shine you all, and our game, in a good light along the way.

To a lot of you, I think I came off the wrong way though. Sorry.

I'm just a guy who loves Calibur, and tries to create entertaining content for Youtube. That's all I am, and that's really all I want. But I respect the hell out of a lot of you, so I wanted to try and take some time to say what I wanted to say.

Thanks for the time, and I hope this cleared up some things,
Hey now, i don't know what the hell went on here, but Dave is cool guy, and I BARELY know him. Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad. I know alot of people have been here for a while but that doesn't give or make any of them any better than a new comer to the "community." In my personal opinion, a guy online or in a tournament that completely wrecks shit, and kicks ass, but doesn't come on the forums, or kiss any ass, is just as part of the community as people who do (with or without the ass kissing lol). Getting back on topic, like I said before, I don't know what this man did, but it couldn't have been worth a 5 paragraph essay of an apology. Get a grip people, we all support this game together.
Calm down with the IRM shit talk and I promise to leave you alone. It's just when you make attacks on him (like in the apex stream) it becomes irritating. The dude obviously has/had beef with you and I get that, but making fun of him while he is out showing up offline is just annoying.

EDIT: I will take down that video if it bothers you as long as the point of this comment came across
No one hates you dude, me and other people were mostly amused by you blowing up about things. I took most of this stuff as a fairly amusing soap opera. You got a lot of passion, I get that. Keep making youtube videos and do your thang man. Keep coming back to 8wayrun also, you are always welcome here. Just one thing, if you don't want beef with people like IRM, you should probably not call him out in videos and let it be.
It's one thing to not like a player for whatever reason.

It's another to randomly claim they suck then hide behind your for funzo's channel/fanbase with a banhammer when people start saying, "Wait.. What?".

That was classy.
@Hates I didn't know you were on XBL man, we'll definitely do that up sometime. I don't get the chance to play half as much as I want to anymore, but I'll add you next time I'm on and when I see you we'll play if you want.

@Alex Thanks man...IRM is one of the people I was alluding to in the OP, as you probably have guessed. I got a really bad first impression of him after seeing some of the things he uploaded to his channel when I first met him, and how things transpired between me and him shortly after that. There's a lot of things he did, and tried to do, that people don't know about, and that did rub me the wrong way. I really don't even feel like getting in to it anymore though. I should probably quit holding first impressions against people though, since that's what I'm trying to make up for here as well...

Oh and @Fenris, <3.


@Pac Don't worry man, I made this post because these were my thoughts. I'm not the kind of guy to blame everyone else for the place I'm in. I've gotten to where I'm at because of my actions. And I think in a way, things could have gone a lot better, especially with this site's community, and for that I wanted to apologize and clear some things up. That's all I was sayin.
Hey now, i don't know what the hell went on here, but Dave is cool guy, and I BARELY know him. Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad. I know alot of people have been here for a while but that doesn't give or make any of them any better than a new comer to the "community." In my personal opinion, a guy online or in a tournament that completely wrecks shit, and kicks ass, but doesn't come on the forums, or kiss any ass, is just as part of the community as people who do (with or without the ass kissing lol). Getting back on topic, like I said before, I don't know what this man did, but it couldn't have been worth a 5 paragraph essay of an apology. Get a grip people, we all support this game together.
1) Ignore Fenris. He's trying to do some make up trolling for talking sense into Fahros.

The issue was Fahros doesn't like IRM, so he called him a scrub in a few of his videos. Then he blocked anyone who responded to those inflammatory comments from his channel.
@Marginal, You don't, and have never known why I don't like IRM. All you know is what you have seen or heard, and I already have, and still will tell you, that's not the half of it. So I don't know why you continue to attempt to make points on the matter you clearly do not fully understand. This is what I tried conveying to you over youtube, but when you, or anyone else, repeatedly flooded my comment section with nonsense, I blocked most of you.

Perhaps that wasn't the best way to go about things, and that "way of going about things" is partially what I'm apologizing for, but trust me when I tell you: I slipped a very few amount of times in the commentary, you would have too, given what has went on between me and him, and I didn't really mean much by it, or want any kind of drama out of it. The youtube side of me is all focused on entertainment for the channel, like I have said.
See, this is why I need to think things out more, Party Wolf.

People brings up IRM, I respond to the comments without thinking, and now you're asking me what happened. I legitimately want to just drop everything and move on without dragging out anymore drama. But now if I say nothing you think I'm just talking out my ass, and if I say something then it looks like I made this thread as a means to further insult IRM.

I'm just done with it, I don't even want to type it out. If you really want to know skype me sometime or something. I'm tired of my appearances on 8wayrun as of late being either A: me posting videos, or B: me involved in some kind of silly drama. That's why I made this thread, to apologize for that very fact, and move on from it.

I appreciate those who have understood, and welcomed me here in good fashion despite what has happened.

Time to start anew.
Okay, I will take your word on that. Did you want me to keep that video up for your youtube views or take it down all together?

EDIT: I apologize also. Send me a message if you need me to tell IRM to stfu (I'm on Fenris's friends list)
@Marginal, You don't, and have never known why I don't like IRM. All you know is what you have seen or heard, and I already have, and still will tell you, that's not the half of it. So I don't know why you continue to attempt to make points on the matter you clearly do not fully understand.
You never commented on anything of the sort. You simply elected to call him a scumbag/clown/scrub.

From what I understand, (since this has been confirmed by both parties) you are in part white knighting Reuben who gave IRM permission to post a video. So that aspect is asinine.

You're right, I don't know about threats etc. That kinda thing wouldn't make him bad at the game however which is my main issue here. Like I said in the PM you blew off because, "LOL Socialblade" people have played IRM and they know that claim is false. Saying he's bad at the game was just going to piss people who've played IRM in person off.

When you do that, you're basically saying that the people who tied with him or lose to him in tournaments are also scrubs or worse. You invalidate their skills as well just to take a cheap shot. You also present yourself as the arbiter of skill which makes people stop and ask "who is this guy"?

At least the people can rest easy knowing that EC tournaments are legit again.
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