1080p 60fps: Soul Calibur 2 - All Exhibition Theaters - Dolphin 3.0

Use Chrome and set to 720p to see the video in 60 frames per second.


Nov 1, 2014 at 5:47 PM
Posted by Norik
Use Chrome and set to 720p to see the video in 60 frames per second!
00:00 - Mitsurugi
00:33 - Link
01:03 - Necrid
02:00 - Taki
02:38 - Talim
03:20 - Cassandra
03:47 - Yunsung
04:39 - Raphael
05:29 - Kilik
06:33 - Xianghua
07:32 - Maxi
08:04 - Yoshimitsu
08:37 - Charade
09:03 - Nightmare
09:42 - Ivy
10:15 - Cervantes
10:46 - Sophitia
11:21 - Astaroth
12:03 - Voldo
12:45 - Seung Mina


Backend: Direct3D9
Fullscreen Resolution: 1920*1080
Internal Resolution: Auto (multiple of 640*528)

This game has ingame widescreen support.

GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Gaming
CPU: Intel® Core i7-3930K
RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3
Xbox 360 Controller

Why Dolphin 3.0?
I still get the best result (fps wise) with that version and the few
games i play have been good enough with 3.0 (Graphic/Issues wise).

Dolphin Homepage

(Need Chrome for 60fps)
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