CaliburV Casuals 2/18/13 Part 4

Not just you man. Just ran an all nighter-set with my friend as Lex. When he pulled out Raph I got somehow destroyed. He seems to be able to step most of her wake up game. ggs btw love watching the stream keep it up.


Feb 23, 2013 at 1:12 AM
Posted by crow_winters
In this video, I discovered that Raph's 3B is considered a stab. I, um, also discovered that Lex's 44B+K and 22B+K do not parry stabs. :(

Mostly, I just learned that I'm a big ole' scrub vs. Raph. I blame those pants.

Crow Winters (Lex, Pat) v. CNP (Raph)
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