ECT4 - SC5 Finals GF - Woahhzz VS Thermidor

@masuds19 Yes actually, Woahhzz did deserve that -- he outplayed his opponent. Try not to let the scrub show when you post next time.
  • JustinAkatsuki

All alpha needs is really a damage reduction off his JF twister and his BE's...then he'll be fine.
Woahhzz didn't block 2K on reaction, he is just likes to duck a lot, and part of Woahhzz being good at SC4 and SC5, is that he has good eye to pick characters, no question about Ivy being the strongest char in SC4 with Algol and Hilde banned, and aPat is super strong, A or S tier IMO, at least in this game the gap is closer between tiers, and some other stupidities in this game prevent Woahhzz to show how good he is.
Sorry, but Woahzz really didn't deserve that...aP is just stupidly overpowered.
and blocking 2K on reaction. did thermidor abuse 2K earlier?


Jun 12, 2012 at 2:15 PM
Posted by Jaxel
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