French SC V : PSN vs XBL : TeamBattle

The Challenge ends with 10 - 8 for the PSN.

To summarize :
0:00 - 6:20 : Some interviews of players about their feeling for the teambattle.
6:20 - 10:44 : Deus Kaliya explains how the teambattle is going to proceed. Malek received the Ferrero Rocher reward.

10:50 - 12:40 = 1st Match. Sakon VS Lopez. Victory for Sakon. PSN 1 - 0 XBL
12:41 - 16:00 = 2nd Match. Happy VS Ryukozan. Victory for Ryukozan PSN 1 - 1 XBL
16:04 - 19:16 = 3rd Match. Malek VS Keev. Victory for Malek. PSN 2 - 1 XBL
19:20 - 22:18 = 4th Match. Rosa/Mayu VS Dina. Victory for Rosa/Mayu. PSN 3 - 1 XBL
22:21 - 24:10 = 5th Match. Derfel9 VS Kusanagi. Victory for Kusanagi. PSN 3 - 2 XBL
24:10 - 27:10 = 6th Match. Happy VS Dina. Victory for Happy. PSN 4 - 2 XBL
27:10 - 30:04 = 7th Match. Derfel9 VS Kusanagi Victory for Kusanagi PSN 4 - 3 XBL
30:05 - 32:05 = 8th Match. Sakon VS Lopez Victory for Lopez PSN 4 - 4 XBL
32:10 - 35:52 = 9th Match. Rosa/Mayu VS Ryukozan Victory for Rosa/Mayu PSN 5 - 4 XBL
36:05 - 39:30 = 10th Match. Malek VS Keev Victory for Malek PSN 6 - 4 XBL
39:35 - 42:05 = 11th Match Sakon VS Kusanagi Victory for Kusanagi PSN 6 - 5 XBL
42:10 - 44:10 = 12th Match Derfel9 VS Lopez Victory for Derfel9 PSN 7 - 5 XBL
44:15 - 47:30 = 13th Match Happy VS Ryukozan Victory for Happy PSN 8 - 5 XBL
47:35 - 50:42 = 14th Match Malek VS Dina Victory for Dina PSN 8 - 6 XBL
50:48 - 53:25 = 15th Match Rosa/Mayu VS Keev Victory for Keev PSN 8 - 7 XBL
53:30 - 56:29 = 16th Match Malek VS Keev Victory for Keev PSN 8 - 8 XBL
56:30 - 58:38 = 17th Match Sakon VS Dina (Not completed) Victory for Sakon PSN 9 - 8 XBL
58:38 - 1:02:05 = LAST Match Rosa/Mayu VS Kusanagi Victory for Rosa/Mayu PSN 10 - 8 XBL

1:02:05 - 1:06:49 : Reward, Taunt, Thanks/

See you soon !! Please, leave any comments.


Jan 25, 2013 at 12:47 PM
Posted by Mayu
The ultimate FT10 between 2 teams recorded by Deus Kaliya :
- Team PSN : Malek (:sc1ivy3: ), Sakon ( :sc4alg1: ), Derfel9 (:sc5nm1: ), Happy (:sc1yos1: ), Rosa/Mayu (:sc5se::sc5pyr1: )
- Team XBL : Keev ( :sc5sc::sc5pat1:) , Kusanagi (:sc5se::sc5pyr1:), Dina (:sc5pyr1:), Lopez (:sc2maxi1:), Ryukozan (:sc5pat1:)

GEY HYPE !!!!!!!
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