ahhhhh ok. Thats what I thought. Just looked weird in the video.
You can JG immediately after guarding. You can't JG while guarding, or JG after a missed JG attempt (A G input of 4 frames or less).

So, yeah, he has his finger on G, not pressing G, then he taps quick.
wait wait wait wait a minute.......this isnt my batman cup...
No seriously, You can HOLD G so long as you release it within the alloted frame window? I was under the impression you cant be pressing G at all and its a quick Tap. But it looks like you are holding G and releasing at the right moment.....Is that correct?

Other than that, great instructional vid mang.


Jul 26, 2012 at 11:20 AM
Posted by DrakeAldan
A short guide to Just Guard in Soul Calibur V. A lot of people seem to have trouble with this technique, but I feel it's a fairly simple and easy thing to do, as long as you know how.
Hopefully this helps everyone everywhere get better at Just Guarding.

Avoiding The Puddle Just Guard Tutorial: (More information on Just Guards)

Original noodalls Just Guard data topic:

"Loose" list of Just Guardable strings:

Let's get those light shows going! Stay shinin'!
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