Kayle the Judicator in Soul Calibur V

Ty :)
Now I'm just waiting to either unlock (if possible) the angle wings - hopefully it's not DLC exclusive.
Not sure why it doesn't display the name though.
Haha, good job. Looks just like the skin.


Feb 2, 2012 at 1:03 PM
Posted by Elternteil
My first recorded match using my Soul CaliburV CaS character Kayle (Siegfried) based on League of Legends . About the match, I mained Voldo in SCIV and was really sad at the changes they made for him in SCV, forcing me to try out various other characters who thankfully have a far shorter move set compared to the previous title. I liked how my Kayle turned out in CaS, which motivated me to try out Siegfried which is the style she uses. This Patroklos player is quite decent as he seems to know Sieg's pattern while I, a Sieg newbie, just goes and spams his stances. I still need to get used to his slow speed compared to Voldo (who got slowed down A LOT in SCV).
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