Mr. 3000GT's Edge of Soul... Calibur III - Part 3

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May 12, 2016 at 2:27 AM
Posted by Heishiro92
Note: Contains language, and poor man's gameplay.

Welcome back to the stage of history. Where me teaching you things is not expected as I dive back into the past to Soul Calibur III. This game came out in 2005 and was a PS2 exclusive and what not. Not including Dante from the Devil May Cry series but including a whole slew of characters who missed the Soul Calibur II ship as well as a bunch of major, and minor newcomers. It looks really pretty. It's quite amazing how good PS2 games can look. Hence why my mouth keeps floundering about it the whole time. So I jump into the character creator and get acquainted with a name I once and still do go by to some people out there in the world. Then I take back into the quick play and whip some more ass. With my multi-sized ever transforming stick. Always hard though

If you wanna watch my other Soul videos:
Check out me ole' twitter:

Last but not least when can a new Soul Calibur game be announced?!?
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