lol well take your time man, not like I'll be returning anytime soon either :P
Don't worry Ill be back, eventually. And personal favorite overkill with cerv is 2A iGDRx2 B2. Its an overkill with JF level execution..... and it always warms my heart :)
ORB BBB ~ SET BBB ~ ORB back-throw give that a shot Ninjaguy
Viola doesn't have any JF ):, but I suggest BT grab overkill which is hard sometimes.
pls all three of you learn viola so i can get new viola overkill tech
damn I still think 66K 66K 66K back throw is the way to go
also Rocktopus, WE miss you...#WeAreOne
This new NM tech is too OP. Brb going to come back from my 2 month hiatus just so I can do this on someone.
Nope.. It's just my old signature overkill. The dumb part about it is, the aga can only connect on bigger characters like Asta or Aeon. And I was fighting fuzion404. But yeah I'm still gonna opt for wrA or b grab overkill generally
so is this our new official signature NM overkill? who were you fighting btw?


Nov 25, 2014 at 3:54 PM
Posted by LockDownZ
First time landing a wrB,NSS A+B, iaga 3 times in the same match
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