SCV - Mitsurugi Skill Project to SCBR Channel

Mitsu damage is quite dreadful.
@green extreme
Everything displayed on my videos can be done (at least for me) outside trainning mode. I never upload something that I cant do even with a lot of trainning. Some of the skills requires a lot of repetition, some don‘t. If you want, watch my Skill Project Video of Mitsurugi (link on description) where I apply most of the skills outside trainning mode.
can you really do any of these stuff out side of training mode?


Dec 6, 2013 at 11:44 AM
Posted by Vini
Some skills I didn´t use on my Skill Project Video of Mitsurugi months ago. I gave them to SC Brazil Channel. There are some more useful than others, but I think it can add something to your gameplay. I hope it helps!


Missing Skills from the video made by Vini weeks ago. Also, this video was made by Vini to SC Brazillian Youtube channel. Thks a lot for all the likes and good receptivity!

Here is the link of the Mitsurugi Skill Project Video by Vini:

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