8WR Sept Tourney Marginal (Maxi) vs Demon of Mibu (Alpha Patroklos)

Nah, just use it sparingly. I just use a bit of lotion maybe half an hour or so before I play. It works, but wears off fast. LOL! aPat needs lube.
Does using oil or anything on your fingers mess up the controller?
Thanks for recording this! I hope in a month (if there's a tourney) I'll be able to contrast this video. Even if I suck really bad for a while; if I ever get decent people could see it as a reason to not get discouraged and be patient enough to let improvement happen. Oh yeah, and as of last night I found a little lube goes a long way! (I really did use a little grapeseed oil on the buttons for a:B slides)


Sep 16, 2012 at 2:37 AM
Posted by Marginal
In loser's round two of the September 8way Run online tournament, I square off against Demon of Mibu. He's using Alpha Patroklos so this is my second encounter with Patsuka in this tournament. Interesting since I can't recall any aPat's appearing at all in the tournaments leading up to this one. Even the August tournament where half the players got distracted by shiny things and wandered aimlessly off never finishing their matches. (Props to that kind of dedication you goldfish brains.)
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