Royal Lance's Soul Calibur IV Score Attack (Old Twin Galaxies WR)

Nerf UB Bomb. It is broken, you just can't escape it, the combos are infinite.
Anyways, good job man. I didn't know they even recorded highest records and stuff like that for real. I've never really checked. Learn something new every day :). Congrats on the (ex?) title. I've met Black Mamba at a tournament before, pretty cool guy.


Sep 4, 2011 at 7:47 PM
Posted by RLWolfen
This my once score run on Arcade Mode in Soul Calibur IV (Xbox 360) for points. This runs used to be the World Record on Twin Galaxies before it was broken by Jeremy "Black Mamba" Florence of Championship Gaming Series and G4 Soul Calibur tournament fame.

Note: Taki is not my main. She is not even close. I use her because she can rack up points faster in Arcade mode.
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