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Jan 28, 2012 at 7:24 PM
Posted by GrayGuy7
Recorded durin' the Soul Calibur V Pre-launch event, on 1/24/12, at 111 Minna Gallery in San Francisco.

This event was TOO cool! It had free drinks, jumpin' music, some cool people there, and most of all, SCV goin' on EVERYWHERE! I had a big dilemma in my hands because I couldn't figure out whether I wanted to record matches, watch the 8-man tournament, or play my damn self! I tried to do all three, but I ultimately chose to play [I luv this game]! The only regret that I have is not lettin' someone use my camera to record some of the matches had, I think was doin' pretty good with Aeon...Oh well, next time.

1/31 needs to hurry the hell up!!!!
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