Soul Calibur 4 Online Matches: The Irish Bombr (Rock) v. HeeeeresJonny86 (Rock)

I used a device called a HD PVR. You basically run AV jacks from your console to the PVR then from the PVR to the television. You can connect either a computer or a camera via USB cable to record. btw you should delete some messages from your inbox. It was too full for me to be able to pm you.
I've always wondered how people made videos like this. What did you use to record? Was it a camera? Or was it something you hook up to the PS3 and it records the gameplay?


Nov 28, 2010 at 10:17 PM
Posted by HeeeeresJonny86
Just testing out my capture device. Decided to record a few random online matches. I forget to change my console's headset settings so you can hear Bombr talking in this one and a few others. I'll correct this in the future.
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