Soul Calibur IV - Battlecry la Femme Fatale (A Fan Parody Trailer)

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Nov 23, 2008 at 12:26 AM
Posted by skytoast
This is a trailer I made using various footage from Soul Calibur IV on both PS3 and Xbox 360. Since I couldn't remove the background music on some of the realtime cut-scenes, I had to painstakingly re-do the entire audio track by re-sampling sounds/foley from the game throughout most of this trailer with only a small handful left in there untouched. I also used the same sound sampling to create new dialogue and some minor tweaks on the original.

The video starts out as if you are watching a real trailer for the game. But as it gets to the end, the situation becomes a lot different as the context just gets comepletely thrown out.

Soul Calibur IV - Battlecry la Femme Fatale
Release Date: August 07, 2008
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