Soul Calibur V - Cervantes Unblockeable AGI

Thanks for the information. I will test this!
Basically, A+B has two versions of the aGI. One is where he does an overhead kick the reverses positions with the opponent and the other is the teleport unblockable. As a note, both of them can lead to his CE. To get the unblockable teleport, A+B must GI an attack at the very tip of the opponents range. This is basically a special attack where A+B won't be able to get the opponent if they're aGI'ed.


Feb 11, 2012 at 12:07 PM
Posted by Vini
I found it days ago. I didn´t see any video on internet showing it.

To get the unblockable teleport, A+B must GI an attack at the very tip of the opponents range. (Thanks to Windstar of 8Wayrun for the tip).

Cool you can use Critical Edge with this version of AGI.
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