Soul Calibur V GamesCom 2011 Interview

Aww mane, I liked the 2d drawings of the characters lmao but i'll suffice
The Character Selection in this video looks amazing. It was just breathtaking when I saw it. When this game comes out, I call Patroklos!
Hm, again, "guest CHARACTER." So there's only one. So I guess we can rule out a Star Trek crossover, because you couldn't have Captain Kirk fighting against ninjas and rock golems and samurai unless you included Mr. Spock and Bones.

Aaaanyway. Really excited about the character creation mode. I hope it really lives up to being much better than SC4's.
hilde - long range and power... hm...
skeptical, very skeptical.
Good news I guess. I tought they showed Tira gameplay along with the others but but this interview is good enough for now ^^


Aug 22, 2011 at 11:22 PM
Posted by SCPartisan
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