Soul Calibur V Mitsurugi Ranked Matches (With live commentary!)

I hope I run into you in ranked when your making one of these vids ;)


Feb 17, 2012 at 1:48 PM
Posted by Fahros

Heyo guys, here with some Soul Calibur V ranked matches today! People have been asking for more matches, so I delivered! Let me know what you think about live commentary during matches. I try to correct any slipups I had in text over the video, but most of the stuff was actually pretty spot-on. Educational enough, or should I try commentating after-the-fact?

Also, be sure to watch to the end. I made some announcements you may or may not want to hear. -_-

I hope I still have your support guys. I've always valued your opinions, and I've always wanted to provide entertaining content for you all, but you know I've been having some problems with Youtube lately. I'm just trying to ensure I can make videos for as long as possible on Youtube in general.

Thanks for the time guys, and until next time, take care.

My Youtube:

Oh, and shoutouts to Mrzinngg for so much training for the Nightmare matchup. I credit my Nightmare wins to you, good sir.

Check out Mrzinngg at:
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