Summer Jam 5 - SC4 crowd shot - Mick Vs Woahhzz Grand Finals

Furzy might give Lolo a run for his money for the best Yoshi in the world. Just saying.
That's it? You kats need more hype. North Easts needs more screaming and hollering. Congrats to woahhzz getting that text book money.


Aug 29, 2011 at 11:08 PM
Posted by Malice
Crowd shot towards the end of the grand finals set between Mick Vs Woahhzz. Woahhzz had to win two sets of 4 out of 7 games to win this tournament after going through a gauntlet of defeating the best Soul Calibur players in the country, if not the world in SC4.

Note: In the matches before this one, Woahhzz had to defeat lolo who is the best Soul Calibur player from Mexico and best Yoshimitsu player in the world, then had to defeat thugish_pond who was last year's world champion in SC4, and finished in 2nd place in this year's World Game Cup.

Date: August 28, 2011.
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