Summer Jam 5 - SC4 Teams W2 - Three Amigos VS EEEEHHHH!!!!

When I felt how shitty my first TAS B came out I kind of knew I wasn't going to win. I tried, but I couldn't get TAS B to get my free half life from blocked CL 214B. I'd really like to put most of the blame on the amount of exposure I have to PS3 pad, but I still would've lost bad I think. I know to step left and I know to punish the fuck out of CL 214B and other things, but 9gB really surprised me. I also don't have the practice to GI CL 1B B+K after stepping the first hit or block SW 22K on reaction even when done 3 times in a row.


Aug 30, 2011 at 5:17 PM
Posted by Jaxel
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