The 3rd Finest Fighters Soul Calibur 4 Grand Final part 2 - kohyuk(Amy) vs Hyunmu(Mitsu)

Good to see Korea still playing Calibur. If you guys stream another tournament, let us know so we can watch life. Or at least hit me up so I can spread the word.
Thank you, Belial. ^^

This competition is almost 2yrs after dec. 2008 I was so nervous i missed punishment so!
I did delay catched with cass 236 I'd had practice prepare for that game but in real game, OMG...
I think I was so lucky cuz I won the grand final.
:D Ah! next season will be coming man , I would update if i can.
Kura and Seong-Chol will come back after sep.2011.
hi Kohyuk! All finals videos are very interesting. I like Hyen-moo use of b6!
But I think you use too many characters ! you miss many important punishment b/c of this, like mitsu 2KB etc.
I also like CrazyTaki Raphael and Dongssss Cass.
But I'm glad to see Korea run tournaments for soul calibur! I hope to see Kura and Seung-Cheol too , when they come back from the army.

Congratulations with 1st place Kohyuk! I look forward to more videos.


Dec 21, 2010 at 6:00 AM
Posted by kohyuk
[FONT=한양견명조]The 3rd Finest Fighters Soul Calibur 4(12/19, Korea)[/FONT]

kohyuk vs Hyunmu -- Recorded live on -
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