Viola Vs Hilde -Soul Calibur 5 (A Bad Day for SaneOne)

LOL! I have to disagree with Neo_Remirez. You were both playing with your movesets more than actually playing each other. And for Hilde to run right into a B+K BE (in the end) shows that he wasn't focused on the opponent. You guys were just dinking around. Looks like fun!
What I see here, is the player who is far more skilled, be it that he over acts and constantly spams in inputs, lost to someone who was not as skilled... Legit win? More like Lucky win... If he focused on actually hitting you, instead of dancing around, he would destroy you easily. Thats just my thoughts from watching this.


Jun 25, 2012 at 8:57 PM
Posted by pootytang9
This was probably one of my first legitimate wins against SaneOne/Prodigy

even though at the end i did get extremely lucky, i did not even expect it too noted by the fail reaction to the hit confirm

The Main reason for me uploading this Vid, was because it was one very embarrassing moment for SaneOne....

Im sorry Sane...for this upload
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