When keeping it virtually real goes wrong

I mentioned that win %. The response was "My wins are legit bitchboy."
Can't believe he didn't quit with his 91%. Because THAT'S what all the "good" players do online XD.
that record is stupid sexy. 91%? lol
iagA's plus frames. Not my wisest choice to go in right after that.
You shouldn't attack after you block iagA?
JerichoxWar lost after telling me mid match that I couldn't win against good players.
So how does it go wrong? Im confused XD


Jun 17, 2012 at 12:55 AM
Posted by Marginal

This man is a hero.

(Good matches resume Monday. This weekend's dedicated to the folks who are better than me.)
I finally met a man who knew the truth. No Maxi player can ever be good. Not only that, but he turned on his mic mid match and helpfully suggested I learn more than one combo or else I'd never beat the good players. (The round I take the time to thank him by kowtowing as best I can at the end.)

Thankfully he suffered no harmful existential feedback following my heartfelt thank you. He's still awesome.

Live free, live strong my brother.
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