Recent content by Akumasama

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    Ivy General Submissions for Discussion

    Then what do you guys use when you get pressured by other players at melee range with very fast/safe attacks, interrupted combos or in general very good mixups? Guard Impacts or RE can be the key to get out of such pressuring situations, but depending on the character you're against and the...
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    Ivy General Submissions for Discussion

    I've got a question about Spiral Lust. A couple of patches ago they changed so that if you hit B from Spiral Lust and your opponent blocks it, he will get pulled towards you. Now I wonder, any way to put this to our gain? Do we get some frame advantage? Any safe or almost safe options from...
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    SCVI Ivy Edits

    Managed to make an excellent and satisfying copy. Thank you Tael! I'm in love with it :D
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    SCVI Ivy Edits

    Ok, I swear I tried really hard but appearently I'm a super noob with CAS so there's some things I couldn't manage to reproduce, I'll list them here and I'll be real real glad if you could provide some answers Tael! <3 1) How did you do the golden reversed triangles with another black triangle...
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    SCVI Ivy Edits

    Sorry for the late reply, been super busy and without connection lately. Re-thinking at my request, I was just being lazy. I'm not good with these things, so I kinda wanted to make things easy having someone else do all the hard work for me so that I would just have to download or copy...
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    SCVI Ivy Edits

    I really love Tael's and Holycarp's edits. Any chance we can get further details on the pieces, colours, stickers used to create them? Actually if I'm not wrong SC6 has a function to share/download edits created by other people. Maybe there's a way they can share their edits? I'm on PS4 btw.