Recent content by auhsojsivart

  1. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Having a small gathering at my place tonight. Details here:
  2. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Same here. I played some ranked today and played on devildigimon's stream for a while. The online play is so good! I think the only game I played that compares is HDRemix.
  3. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Oh man! I bought a new router today and can actually play online! This is freaking exciting.
  4. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    I had a ton of fun and learned quite a bit tonight. I need to choose a character soon. I was testing the waters with a few different ones tonight, but I'll be back in full force with a main next time. I have a weekly gathering in Hammond, IN on Tuesday nights from 6:00-10:00 for anyone who...
  5. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    I'll definitely be coming tonight.
  6. auhsojsivart

    Tier Discussion

    Nightmare seems really good. He has high damage, good pressure, strong mixups, useful BE attacks, good range, good punishers, a command grab, a low grab, many ring out moves, high guard damage, and his A+B is pretty unique and can be used to break up blockstrings. His CE has super high damage...
  7. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    xxxx Schneider Ave. (message me on for actual address if you're going to come) Hammond, IN 46323 We play Tuesday evenings from about 6 to about 10. If I don't have any grading or lesson planning to do, we can sometimes play later. Small apartment with room for 6-7...
  8. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    I'm going to try to make it to NeoShinji's place on Thursday. In the mean time, I'm still having my weekly Tuesday gatherings. If you can make it to Hammond, IN, you should come. To give some perspective on how far away I am, I was able to make it from my front door to Nickel City (which is...
  9. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Two successful gatherings in two nights at my place. NWI is going to surprise some of you Chicago guys in upcoming tournaments.
  10. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Playing with some local NWI guys tonight at my place if anyone's interested.
  11. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Anyone near or in Northwest Indiana is welcome to come to my place tomorrow evening from 5-11 for a launch gathering. We'll play some casuals and maybe even run a round robin tourney. Space is limited to 10 at the very most. Please PM me if you're interested in coming.
  12. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    Thanks. Yeah, I hope that I can get some serious players around here.
  13. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    I don't know what your plans are for Tuesday, but I'll be playing from about 4:30pm until I fall asleep. You're welcome to come by.
  14. auhsojsivart

    Team Mighty Chicago - TMCHI

    I'd be interested in games at GGA. Just please don't be like the SRK guys and start at 9pm in the middle of the week. Some of us have real jobs and have to get up in the mornings. I'm interested in competitive play and will be going to EVO for SC5 this year. I'll also be hosting practice...
  15. auhsojsivart

    [Chicago, IL] anyone out here play?

    I'll drive just about anywhere to play SCV this weekend if anyone somehow gets a hold of a copy. Next Tuesday, anyone who wants to come to Hammond, IN (about 35-40 minutes from downtown), I'll be hosting games from 5pm to about midnight.