
Primarily uses Siegfried and Cervantes in SoulCalibur III, Broken Destiny, and IV, but am better with Siegfried than Cervantes. Also a master of Cervantes in SoulCaliburII.

The Soulcalibur games in order from best to worst imo:
Soulcalibur III
SoulCalibur II
Broken Destiny
Soul Calibur Legends
Soul Edge
SoulCalibur IV
Soulcalibur Lost Swords (subject to change)
Soul Blade
Soul Calibur V

My Broken Destiny Trials records :
Trial of Attack :
Siegfried (Weapon: Requiem)
vs. Taki : 554978 : ★★★
vs. Kratos : 509270 : ★★★
vs. Mitsurugi : 466606 : ★
vs. Dampierre : 576795 : ★★★
vs. Siegfried : 385965 : A-rank
TOTAL: 2493614 : ★★★

vs. Rock : 591829 : ★★★
vs. Dampierre : 522359 : ★★★
vs. Astaroth : 377767 : A rank
vs. Kratos : 482758 : ★★
vs. Nightmare : 487444 : ★★
TOTAL: 2462157 : ★★★
achieved June 10th, 2014
Highest Scale : 906
Offensive Technique
Average Damage : 39
Average Rush Chain : 5

Defensive Technique
Guaranteed Hit/Insert Successes 2
Move Interrupt Successes 1
Throw Escape/Stun Recover 0)

Trial of Attack :
Yuujin (Male Voice 7. Cervantes; Firangi) :
vs. Raphael : 543412 : ★★★
vs. Dampierre : 544761 : ★★★
vs. Xianghua : 670767 : ★★★ (got 2 Perfects)
vs. Dampierre : 525039 : ★★★
vs. Nightmare : 421710 : A rank
TOTAL: 2705689 : ★★★
achieved May 27th, 2014

Trial of Attack :
Yuujin (Male Voice 4. Cervantes; Phlegethon) :
vs. Ivy : 700476 : ★★★
vs. Kratos : 569070 : ★★★
vs. Cervantes : 690902 : ★★★
vs. Dampierre : 444912 : A-rank
vs. Siegfried : 374650 : A-rank
TOTAL: 2780010 : ★★★
achieved Jun. 05th, 2014

Highest Scale : 1000
Offensive Technique
Average Damage : 48
Average Rush Chain : 7

Defensive Technique
Guaranteed Hit/Insert Successes 1
Move Interrupt Successes 0
Throw Escape/Stun Recover 0]

Trial of Defense :
Siegfried (Weapon: Broken Destiny)

Yuujin (Male Voice 4 (Kenjirō Tsuda?), Phlegethon, Soul of Cervantes)
vs. Taki : 667378 : ★★★
vs. Mitsurugi : 408403 : A-rank
vs. Dampierre : 425520 : A-rank
vs. Rock : 513561 : ★★★
vs. Yoshimitsu : 504957 : ★★★
vs. Kratos : 366176 : A
vs. Nightmare : 413046 : A
vs. Algol : 496048 : ★★ (Note: Perfect on Round Two.)
TOTAL: 3795089 : ★★★
achieved Jul. 08th, 2014

Yuujin (Male Voice 4 (Kenjirō Tsuda?), Phlegethon, Soul of Cervantes)
vs. Talim : 458931 : ★
vs. Seong Mi-Na : 466535 : ★
vs. Dampierre : 508012 : ★★★
vs. Setsuka : 388872 : A rank
vs. Yun-Seong : 489793 : ★★
vs. Kratos : 453733 : ★
vs. Siegfried : 510054 : ★★★
vs. Algol : 222660 : D rank (I got Ringed-out on first round)
TOTAL: 3498590 : ★★
achieved May 27th, 2014
Highest Scale 865

Offensive Technique
Average Damage 44
Average Rush Chain 5

Defensive Technique
Guaranteed Hit/Insert Successes 5
Move Interrupt Successes 6
Throw Escape/Stun Recover 1

Endless Trials :
BEST (In Stage quantity) :
Siegfried (Weapon: Requiem)
Defeat at STAGE 42.
Endscore: 24308737.
Achieved either May 12 or 19 2014.

Endless Trials :
BEST (In Stage quantity) :
Yuujin (Soul of Cervantes; Male Voice 4. Weapon: Phlegethon)
Defeat at STAGE 35.
Endscore: 15858013.
Achieved either Jun 18 2014.

BEST (In Score) :
Siegfried (Weapon: Requiem; Outfit design: Ivory set)
Defeat at STAGE 25 (ag. Mitsurugi).
Endscore: 39722030.
Other information :
Critical Finishes: 2.
Achieved Jul. 16, 2014.

Siegfried (Weapon: Requiem)
Defeat at STAGE 20.
Endscore: 24520596.
unknown date.

Yuujin (Soul of Cervantes; Male Voice 4. Weapon: Phlegethon)
Defeat at STAGE 25 (Mitsurugi).
Endscore: 38101764.
Achieved either Jul 16 2014.


Records for The Gauntlet. :
Chapter 1-1 :
Highscore : 16824
Success Point : 140
Sep 03, 2014.

Siegfried (old record):
Highscore : 11456
Success Point : 99

Yuujin (Cervantes; Male Voice 7):
Highscore : 8383
Success Point : 69

Newest (7/32014; Yuujin Male Voice 7; Cervantes-discipline):
Highscore : 16322
Success Point : 142

(9/4/2014; Yuujin Male Voice 7; Cervantes-discipline):
Highscore : 18388
Success Point : 150

Chapter 1-2 :
Highscore : 3200
Success Point : 45

Highschore : 5456
Success Point : 80

Chapter 1-3 :
Highscore : 5304
Success Point : 74

Chapter 1-4 :
Highscore : 1423
Success Point : 20
Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 31)
Delaware, USA.


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