Recent content by Dark098123

  1. Dark098123


  2. Dark098123

    My fav person in the game.

    My fav person in the game.
  3. Dark098123

    Demons souls

    I just saw Dark souls gameplay. It looks amazing.
  4. Dark098123

    Why fighting games arent fun with Siblings! :D

    Wow, I never played before Dani in RE5 and I don't care if he is LIKE your brother because you never even met him. Also, go ahead and have my post deleted, I made my point. Just don't expect me to not say anything. Oh and by the way I also sometimes manage to beat you in soul cal and alot more...
  5. Dark098123

    Why fighting games arent fun with Siblings! :D

    ... You say I talk about YOU behind your back. First of all I beat Demon's souls for the second time and was able to learn another game, until dark souls comes out. All you had to do was ask. No, I am not a little child, it just sounds that way cuz he never gives enough details. Most, if not...