Recent content by DoomHasYou

  1. DoomHasYou

    The mighty Algol has no equal!

    The mighty Algol has no equal!
  2. DoomHasYou

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    Some tips about 44B -> iFC 8B BE -> 2A+B. You can input: 44B -> hold 2G -> after you see Algol ducking animation instantly input 8B BE. As for me it is the easiest way to time FC 8B BE right. Ah... and some sort of gimmick-combo: 44B -> FC 8B BE -> 2A+B -> 66B+K (134, 142 dmg and 25% meter, also...
  3. DoomHasYou

    Viola Glitch Report Thread

  4. DoomHasYou

    Viola Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    You can do AAB more than twice, if your opponent doing ukemi before 2B+K BE relaunch
  5. DoomHasYou

    Viola General Discussion / Q&A

    No matter you press 6 or 66. You can use both. You just have to practice in timing and thats all. Ah... And remember, that you can AAB only twice in one combo, cuz on the 3rd AAB gravity becomes too strong and the combo drops.
  6. DoomHasYou

    Viola Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    What about CH 6AB B+K(BE) combo starter? Is it possible?
  7. DoomHasYou

    Viola Glitch Report Thread

    I think everybody knows, that Viola can't do AAB more than 2 times in one combo, cuz on 3rd AAB enemy drops. But after ukemi attempts before 2B+K(BE) "AAB counter" resets, and I can add more, ukemi attempt resets damage-scaling(!). Example (I'll type damage in [...]): 1) No-ukemi: 3B[15]...