Recent content by FierNando

  1. FierNando

    Viola General Discussion / Q&A

    OMG YES!! Finally those true words are put together here! His FC 3B is THE most irritating move on this game! Followed up by his (and Sieg's) FC throws, of course. Plus insane speed, reach, mix ups, etcs... I have a LOT of experience on losing (yes) to Nightmare, so these are the tips I can...
  2. FierNando

    iCS/CS and SS information

  3. FierNando

    SCV Ivy FAQ & General Discussion

    I use 44B+K B. It's a two hits and if you confirm the first hit, you can follow up a strong combo. 5 of these in a row can break the gauge on the first hit of the fifth, allowing you to charge the second hit fully and follow it up with 6B8 BE for around 115 damage. It's a slow move, but with...
  4. FierNando

    iCS/CS and SS information

    I find easy to catch people using 214B, buffer, G than B+G. Works best at downed opponents!
  5. FierNando

    SCV Ivy FAQ & General Discussion

    I'm using 2B+K, instead. Less damage, I know, but it's a lot easier. I'm too much of a button masher for the G 6B8...